The weekly show where I answer viewer questions left in the comments section of my Q&A shows or sent to me by email at This week, the questions I answer are:
(1) I recently relocated to Florida for work and I have 3 store locations that I manage in Clearwater. One is literally a block from Flag. My question is this: I have had a few Scientologists apply for positions within my company and I can tell because they have work history on their resume stating they were tour guides or what not. While I would never discriminate against anyone for their religious beliefs, I do worry more about what another employee may say to that person about their beliefs. With the Church’s Fair game policy, I’m worried about a Scientology employee getting upset because a coworker is committing suppressive acts and end up with a boycott outside of my store. Is this something I should worry about or is this irrational fear?
(2) Do members of the Sea Org have ranks like sailors in real navies do? Do the ranks correspond to those in the US Navy? What was your rank? Do those with lower ranks feel bitter about it?
(3) I’m in the actual Navy as an enlisted maintenance person. As I watch your videos, I notice many techniques used on military personnel that also seemed to be used on Scientology staff. Examples include renaming a questionable task to give it a more legitimate feeling, a spirit of cause over self, and, definitely, thought control. It makes me wonder whether Fearless Leader (LRH) got many of his human control techniques from the Navy for the few years that he served. It seems that, as an Lieutenant JG, he would have been exposed only to a little of the manipulation techniques that are taught to naval leaders. Still, nothing is more dangerous than someone with a little knowledge. Your thoughts?
(4) I have been watching a lot of your videos and really enjoy your perspective. My question is, did you have face time with David Miscavige during your tenure in Scientology? If you did, can you describe what those interactions were like?
(5) Do you enjoy talking about Scientology? Wouldn’t an Ex-Scientologist at some point just get tired of the subject and want to move on and focus on other things of interest? Don’t get me wrong, I love watching your videos and think what you do is of great value. But aren’t you bored of it yet?
(6) I would like to know why Anonymous has been not so active when it comes to Scientology protests. What happened with Scientology vs Anonomous lately?
(7) When a new org opens, we see a Scientology video of a very nice looking building with nice looking interiors and course rooms, etc. I have noted that some of these buildings are many stories high and I surmise from this that they must have many rooms. In these videos we see the entrance, lobby and presumably the lower floors. What about all the other rooms in the building? The 2nd, 3rd, 4th and so on? Are they all closed off and still dilapidated inside?
(8) Has learning about critical thinking changed your view on any other of your beliefs? For example, did you ever believe in any government cover-ups, paranormal entities, the Illuminati etc.? Are there any conspiracies that you think may have elements of truth behind them?
Hi Chris, your talk about Navy ranks in the SO was relevant to me as I was both in the US Navy and later in the SO. In the Navy I rose to the rating of 2nd class Petty Officer before I left. In the SO I remained a swamper the whole 13 years I was there at the complex. And really pretty much everyone I knew personally also remained swampers and never tried to get promoted. Frankly I never gave a damn about SO ranks as I viewed them as nothing more than an increase of work and responsibility without any rewards whatsoever except maybe for those whose pride was stroked by it all and who believed others would admire them for it. In the Navy there was a significant increase in base pay whenever you were promoted. That doesn’t happen in the SO. My pride was in the job I did and although nobody got much recognition for the things they accomplished, I admit it felt good the few times it ever happened. But I certainly did not want promotion as that seemed to me to be more of a punishment than a reward. I was already working my ass off, why would I want more? Crazy! TJB fan
Hi Chris — I thought the live Q&A was interesting and fun. I’d enjoy seeing more as long as it’s not too much work for you. I watched #100 live, but viewing the recordings is just as informative.
I look forward to your videos and would be sad to lose them, but it’s understandable that there will inevitably be an end point. If you’re up for suggestions in the meantime, I’d like to see more interviews with people who have left Scientology recently and from public members. It’s not a perspective we hear about very often. I love interviews because it’s endlessly fascinating to hear about each person’s mindset and what the breaking point and/or moment of awakening was for them.
It’s wonderfully uplifting to hear that your efforts have paid off in breaking through to some of those still in the organization!
Hi Chris-found you just a few hours ago!!! Great show, I watched 3 already!!! Thank you for being such a great listener!! You have very smart guests and really let them speak their minds. I am now listening to the one about A.A. and it was right on in my opinion. It saved my life in 1973 when my mom got sober and has been helping ever since!!! I don’t know how you stay on top of all this…but please don’t stop. Your personality is genuine, I’ll be watching!!!