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Critical Q&A #119

The weekly show where I answer questions left in the comments section of my Q&A videos or sent to me by email at This week, the questions I answer are:

(1) What do you think of these doomsday type channels here on YouTube? I saw a video last week where a guy shows a bunch of different underground tunnel entrances near a Walmart and it kinda worried me, especially after the closing of several Walmart stores for “plumbing issues” and seeing armored guards and other government agency cars in the parking lot. This world has become a scary place!

(2) When you were still in the Church and someone showed you a “pack” of information on an SP or a hate website, would you and others not think it was strange/unethical/illegal that they were using what was supposed to be confidential information? Would you, at a time where you were still fully in, ever be scared that someone would look and/or use your confidential information given in auditing?

(3) I’ve read that many Scientology fundraisers get a commission of 10%. From your recent interview with Kay Rowe, it sounds as though that is that not the case with Sea Org regges (sales people). Who gets commissions & who doesn’t? Does it depend on whether the person is paying for services, giving straight donations to the IAS, or what? Also, in your interview with Kay, she was joking that Chapter 11 of her book was about fundraising. I’m not completely sure I got the joke. Is it because a person might go into Chapter 11 bankruptcy after being regged so hard and long by Scientology? Or did I miss the joke entirely?

(4) Hello Chris, I really enjoy your videos on Scientology. After hearing you talk about spirituality I came across a very interesting story that I think you would be interested in and I would like you to comment on it. It’s about a medical procedure called a cardiac standstill and Pam Reynold’s near-death experience when undergoing surgery for a brain aneurism.

(5) You mention that orgs have stats on how much money is going up from local church’s to orgs. I believe you have also mentioned that in a 5 state area, there were only a few hundred active church members. Given this very small number of active Scientologists, how much money could these local church’s possibly send up? Please forgive me if I am off on your numbers, but I am curious if you have any numbers to give some context on money streams (even if only anecdotal). Do staff end up signing/paying up for services themselves just to “inflate” stats or meet quotas, akin to how some parents buy their own kid’s girl scout cookies/etc because of pressure?

(6) Why was OT 8 needed to be done at sea?

(7) Was Hubbard affiliated with the Mafia?

(8) Do Scientologists feel obliged to like “Space Jazz” or the soundtrack of Battlefield Earth? Seriously, can cognitive dissonance extend that far?

8 thoughts on “Critical Q&A #119”

  1. Good show. I don’t always have time to watch, but when I do, I’m never disappointed. Thanks for being there and putting out these videos.

  2. Hi Chris, I have two people’s near death experiences that I find compelling and if you are interested in more about them, may I suggest Eban Alexander MD and my personal favorite Anita Moorjani.
    Dr. Alexander is a Harvard neurosurgeon who experienced his own NDE when he developed a deadly form of bacterial meningitis, was comatose for many days and returned to speak on the subject with profound insight.
    Anita Moorjani had lymphoma that had shut down all her vital organs and was “gone” for days, the family had begun last rights.

    I too, am optimistic on the subject and find these examples very interesting and worth checking out
    Thank you for all you do.

  3. Chris, how do you make a living? I understand you may have to be cautious because of fair game & attempts to destroy that.

  4. Hello! Question 3 concerns the interview that Chris did with me. He answers it very well. More to it: Fundraising was and likely still is, very stressful on the “congregation” of Scientology. While I don’t know details of any bankruptcies, I know for a fact that many were so depleted they had to get extra work. “Chaper 11” being my “IAS Fundraising Years” chapter was purely by accident, however, fitting. Nothing to laugh about really, but it was comic relief for me, after all the pain and anguish I went through, if nothing else. If you want more details please see my blog articles at:

  5. Hi Chris.
    I believe that as well as the FSM commissions that you discussed there was a policy named OP 4 D. Operation 4th Dynamic that was brought out in 1979 1980. That decreed that non staff members could make a percentage profit from all actions that generated a profit for the church. An OP 4 D MEMBER could use or lines and sea or staff for projects to help bring in new names to central files and a commission of an initial 15 percent was paid on all new services or donations obtained plus a further 10 percent on all further transactions. Similar to an FSM commission .

  6. I really liked what you said Chris about the fact that for every bad thing going on in the world today that you can point to, there are many examples of good things going on. (I also appreciated the Trump joke and I agree 100% !) If anyone reading this is interested in more proof of this idea, a prominent psychologist and scientist wrote a book recently about how humanity keeps getting more and more peaceful, and less violent, all the time. It’s by Steven Pinker and it’s called “The Better Angels of Our Nature.” He did a bunch of historical research into violence in the past vs. violence now and concluded that we’re doing better than ever. A bit of an unusual position in today’s world, but I trust the research he did. For example, in medieval Europe you could be put to death for speaking out against the king, and of course in the time of Christ, a long, drawn-out torturous death by crucifixion was not uncommon for criminals. Our modern methods of state execution are merciful in comparison (although the death penalty itself is not a good idea in my opinion). So thanks for talking about things that are hopeful in our world.

  7. Now that you have your own personal hate site, have you ever thought about making a public statement to address those allegations? I know a lot of it must have come from your auditing files, but how much if it is true and how much is pure fabrication ?

    Also, who is Steven Mango?

    1. Steven Mango is a former Scientologist who has videos on YouTube, criticizing Scientology. He was in the recent documentary “My Scientology Movie.”

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