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Critical Q&A #121

The weekly show where I answer viewer questions based on what is left for me in the comments section of my Q&A videos or sent to me by email at This week, the questions answered are:

(1) I’m not sure if you’ve answered this already but have you had any noteworthy moments after leaving Scientology where you go “Woh, I had that all backwards, I can’t believe I ever thought otherwise,” or anything of that nature that comes to mind?

(2) I’m curious about a couple of things. Does the Sea Organization’s billion year contract state anything about what the Church of Scientology will do for members who make this commitment? Also, have medical liaisons or supervisors ever suggested that the sick go to their disconnected family to ask for money for medical needs? So don’t contact your family, but well it’s ok to do so now that you are sick?

(3) Is it always true of a PTS person that they are connected to an SP, or can it be symptomatic of some other phenomena within the group? Did Hubbard genuinely believe that any human affliction was the result of being PTS/SP?

(4) Chris, what do you think of nocebos and placebos? What do you think of psychology of cognitive dissonance and Dunning Kruger effect? How do these things keep people in cults, or get them to lack critical thinking even if not in a cult?

(5) Do you think that David Miscavige will introduce more modern tech to replace the E-meters and teletype currently in place? If so, what do you see replacing this outdated tech? If not, could you envision a situation where David Miscavige replaces and edits Hubbard’s works to remove outdated references to E-meters and such? Also, do you think the dated tech influences would-be Scientologists and/or current Scientologists and how do you think it affects their perception of the Church of Scientology and Hubbard?
Also, do you like Westworld?

(6) Does Hubbard have any living family members and are they in the church, or was Nibs the last one?

(7) I have a question left over from the 2nd Kay Rowe video, about Sea Org medical handlings. Did Class V org staff get the same short shrift as Sea Org members on their medical needs?

(8) Did you ever have a run in with Grant or Elena Cardone, or Tom Cummins?

(9) Logics Chris, an informative video as always! This may seem like a weird question, but in what form do Sea Org members get paid? Check? Direct deposit? Cash in an envelope? Cowry shells? I can imagine having to deal with a bank could really bite into a Sea Org salary given that even a basic checking account carries a ten dollar (or more) monthly service fee these days. Not to mention actually finding enough time to get to a bank branch might get tricky on a Sea Org schedule.

Logics Chris, an informative video as always! This may seem like a weird question, but in what form do Sea Org members get paid? Check? Direct deposit? Cash in an envelope? Cowry shells? I can imagine having to deal with a bank could really bite into a Sea Org salary given that even a basic checking account carries a ten dollar (or more) monthly service fee these days. Not to mention actually finding enough time to get to a bank branch might get tricky on a Sea Org schedule.

1 thought on “Critical Q&A #121”

  1. Good on listening to lrh tapes I have same experience before I was thinking it’s all important and confusing now it’s confusing and some good points here and there. I’m trying to finish my goal of getting through acc’s and also don’t have to clear every word to complete understanding of all it meanings!! Another crazy idea

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