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Critical Q&A #129

The weekly show where I answer questions from viewers left in the comments section of my Q&A videos or sent to me by email at This week, the questions I answer are:

(1) Because of your previous involvement in Scientology, do you tend now to feel like all religions or faiths are damaging? Or do you think that they only have the potential to be? For example, we know there are several cults that seem to be based on Christianity, but in reality are very much in opposition to the actual teachings of Jesus. What are your thoughts?

(2) I was wondering outside of your channel, what do you do for fun? Any hobbies or interests like music, science, arts, etc?

(3) In lieu of the explosive exposure to the dark side of Scientology through websites and videos created by former members, and the Scientology and the Aftermath series, it appears to me that Scientology is working harder than ever on their public relations efforts, i.e., their Volunteer Minister disaster relief efforts in Texas, Florida and Puerto Rico, enhancing relationships with local police departments (hiring off-duty Clearwater police officers), working with various local police departments on drug awareness programs, etc.

It seems they are working harder than ever to create the image of civic-minded, respectable ‘do-gooders’ in the eyes of the public. Their goal is to have the public believe they are an asset to the community (and victims of callous assaults). They are also an organization of tremendous wealth, which might be attractive to communities struggling economically.
My question is, how much of an impact do you believe these enhanced public relations efforts will have, and do you believe city officials (in Clearwater and elsewhere) will turn a ‘blind eye’ to the scandals in favor of the money they bring to the community?

(4) I’ve always wondered about the following situation and want to know if you’ve ever seen or heard of someone using this approach in a Committee of Evidence or with people when they’re in trouble in Scientology. From a never-in’s perspective, if a member believes in the tech, it only seems logical this could be a possibility for a parishioner in ethics trouble.

If a Scientologist or OT of the appropriate OT level (I think it would be OT 3 and above) committed some type of action which could get them in trouble with the church, couldn’t they claim “It was really my BTs that made me do it?” I’m not being facetious. Please correct me if I’m wrong – the idea is, essentially, you have these conscious and unconscious BTs, which are either partly or wholly responsible for some/all of the bad things you’ve done or are doing. If a member wanted to stay in CoS if they got in trouble, why would they not use this ‘explanation’ if they honestly believe that they have these BTs on them, which are causing pain, negative actions and bad things to happen in their life? For that matter, why not a pre-Clear who could say it was his reactive mind that made him do it? Why would an organization allegedly designed to teach members the techniques to overcome these harmful things, kick people out or declare true believers when Scientology allegedly has the only way for the individual to fix what is causing unattractive behavior to the group? If they are invested in the their tech/beliefs, why would they not recognize that their own explanations for harmful behavior could explain people doing unacceptable things?

(5) I know we’re all kind of at the point of “enough about Tom Cruise, already” but I can’t help wondering how Scientology is “handling” Tom’s recent injury while filming Mission Impossible 6. It’s been confirmed he broke an ankle and possibly injured his hip. Does he have to have special sec checking or other punishment for his blatant failure to maintain that bone’s health? Aren’t OT’s supposed to be able to keep their bodies whole and healthy?


Here’s my question and some are smartass observations. If Tom Cruise is OT 8, how is it that he got hurt at all? How do they justify an injury to the “great one” in the Scientology world? I understand that if something happens, it is turned back on the person as being their fault they brought it in with something they are hiding, some crime or other nonsense. But what happens when it’s Tom Cruise or David Miscavige? Eventually one of them is going to get old, sick, hurt, and not just drop a body in hiding. Someone is going to notice.

(6) Do you know if any of the atrocities that Scientology has done and that Leah and others like yourself have brought to light, are still going on? Are they still abusing children, making women have abortions, etc? Or have they stopped their evil ways?

(7) If I were to enter a Scientology building simply to purchase books (a copy of Dianetics or some of Hubbard’s pulp fiction) and browse over the glossy rooms, will the people working there attempt to get my contact details or ask that I take a session on the E-meter? I’m not interested in practicing Scientology, just the books so I can read them and get some laughs.

(8) At the site of disaster relief, do the Volunteer Ministers have enough sense to get their people out to unburden the first responders? Also are the “ministers” the sea org members or the regular members they are putting in harm’s way?

(9) I’m sorry to bring him up again, but in all the talk about Tom Cruise’s disastrous interviews with Oprah and Matt Lauer, what do you think the reactions were from active Scientologists? Did the majority not even know about the incidents, not care, or thought Tom did a great job representing their beliefs?


5 thoughts on “Critical Q&A #129”

  1. Thank you for ALL the hard work you’re doing. I living in Spokane Washington, a scientology church closed in 2003. I’ve been watching Leah Remini’s A&E television show and I found your website. Once again, thank you for helping others get out of this terrible, hell bound organization.

  2. Come to think of it, I miss your movie reviews.
    If it hadn’t been for you I might have gone to see that Erika Christensen religious movie. Ha..
    Also, I’m a patreon and whenever I try to post from the patreon site, for some reason it won’t post up. I must bee doing something wrong.

  3. I saw an ad for MK that claimed they can audit a three-day old baby, which, huh? How does auditing a baby work? Also, can someone who is unable to speak be audited? Is there a way to “be on the cans” and use sign language or write/type out thoughts?

  4. Well I guess I have finally done it. I love your blog so I went to see what scientology was posting. Now they are sending me their blogs about what horrorable people you and the other SP’s are. I find it laughable. Their blogs, adds are so taken out of context, telling only a small part of the story, and only the part that they think makes them look good. In my opinion it only makes them look stupid.
    After watching Leah Remini’s show I was talking to my 87yo mother about it. She told my that Dianetics had helped her get over a fear of knives and at one time she had thought about checking it out. Luckily she was too shy to go in. After watching Leah’s show she now equates Scientology to the nazis and we are both very glad she did not go in. This would have been around 1948/49.
    When I was around 17 I was approached in downtown Atlanta. I remember that when I saw the book they were trying to sell me (dianetics) I exclamedb “L Ron Hubberd, he’s a science fiction writer” I told them no thanks and left. Do you think his reputation as a sf author helped or hurt recruiting efforts?

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