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Critical Q&A #196

The weekly show where I answer viewer questions based on what is left for me in the comment sections of my Q&A shows or by email at This week, the questions I answer are:

(1) Watching the Aftermath show and all of the various podcasts, there is a cry for the government to step in and do something. Other than revoking the religious tax exemption, would a raid on Gold, for example, be helpful in your opinion? I remember Tom DeVocht saying that one reason the FBI didn’t do it before is because he felt that all the sea org members, including those in the hole, would just say they were there voluntarily and would not choose to leave. Do you believe that this is still the case?

(2) What is Scientology’s explanation of why do people have to pay to find out all the great knowledge. Couldn’t someone get together with an auditor that would like to donate their services and go up the bridge the same?

(3) How did Scientology management respond to public about Debbie Cook’s letter and it’s references to Hubbard?

(4) If David Miscavige were to go to prison for any reason, do you think he has a strong enough understanding of brainwashing to have some of the other inmates work as security detail for him and some to clean his cell and maybe others to get chow for him?

(5) How do Scientologists handle work and a declared SP? What happens when a Scientologist has a job where they need to talk or work closely with someone that has been declared an SP? For example, lets say a Scientologist is a new car salesperson, and the new car sales manager (their boss, and someone they need to work with to sell cars) is a declared SP? Or if the two people are put on the same project, etc., can they still work together/interact without getting in trouble with the Church?

(6) Have you ever come across anything more creepy than the video section on

(7) Do you think, as a big cash grab and PR stunt, SMP would ever make a theatrical feature to be released to the public? Maybe a soft reboot of Battlefield Earth

(8) Have you ever had someone contact you who left because of your channel or who wants out but fears disconnection, losing everything, and facing life without a job history, skills, education, friends, or money?

1 thought on “Critical Q&A #196”

  1. Chris,

    I was reading the Wikipedia entry on Anonymous. I’ve lifted a quote from that article here:
    “Project Chanology’s stated goals include the complete removal of the Church of Scientology’s presence from the Internet and to “save people from Scientology by reversing the brainwashing”.[6][27] Project Chanology participants plan to join the Church of Scientology posing as interested members in order to infiltrate the organization.[5]”
    Do you have any idea if they have implemented the infiltrate part? Please keep up your work, and fighting the good fight! (I hope I posted this in the right spot, if not mea culpa )

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