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Critical Q&A #202

The weekly show where I answer viewer questions left for me in the comment sections of my Q&A videos or sent to me by email at This week, the questions I answer are:

(1) In continuation of the question I asked you last week, you made your point why the IRS should investigate the Church of Scientology to determine if it is still eligible to maintain its tax exempt status. However, as you and other former Scientologists have made clear, the Church of Scientology terrorizes its opponents. What was also made clear on how the Church of Scientology got its tax exempt status is that it countersued the IRS, bogged it down with paperwork, and went after the individual IRS employees involved in the case. People like you who publicly criticize Scientology knew what you were getting yourselves into. Should the IRS investigate Scientology and the case lands on some poor unsuspecting IRS agent’s desk, what would you tell him/her on what to expect and how to handle Scientology’s reaction?

(2) I’ve been watching a lot of documentaries on Shelly Miscavige. My question is given the numerous new properties that the Church seems to acquire each year, is it possible that they could have moved her to one of the newer and more secluded properties? And is there any way of finding out which properties the church actually owns, through things like tax filings or something like that?

(3) Does Melissa watch every episode of your podcast? What does she think about your podcast? If she does watch every episode, does she give you feedback on every one? Does she ever disagree with your opinions? Have you changed your mind based on her opinions? If she ever changed your mind on an issue, could you give an example of this?

(4) I’ve seen stories of Sea Org members using a medical appointment as an excuse to get off the base and escape. Given that Hubbard taught that you “pull in” your own injuries and illness, coupled with his teaching that pretty much anything can be fixed with an assist such as a touch assist or nerve assist, how is it that members are allowed to seek medical attention at all?

(5) Do Scientologists believe that we all have different amounts of theta (soul quantity) and the more theta you have the more successful you are? Do you believe that or is it just a gimmick?

(6) Chris, if you could save the life of only one current celebrity Scientologist then who would you save?  I would save Beck.

(7) People regularly ask if certain people are “true believers” and after your interview with the gentlemen from the Church of Spiritual Technology, it seems there are “several types” of true believers. Some believe in the “tech” or that there’re “helping people”, or “policy believers.” Do you or think that this happens to many Scientologists over time? Getting in to “help people” then they “buy into the tech” then become “policy believers”? Is there this debate in the CoS community or is it considered “part of the Kool-aid glass”?

(8) What type of Magic the Gathering decks do you and wife play?

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