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Critical Q&A #254

This week, it’s answers about Reckless Ben’s latest prank, how the Sea Org is very likely dealing with the Coronavirus, some straight talk about the media and a lot more. Enjoy!

(1) Have you seen the latest Reckless Ben video with them projecting “Scientology Sucks” on to Big Blue? What are your thoughts? Have you been in communication with them at all since they did it? Do these types of actions help or hurt the cause?


What do you think about the Reckless Ben Scientology stunt?

(2) It just occurred to me that I listened to a video that said the Sea Org quarantines the sick together. I have the idea that they are in a big room like old pictures of sick wards. Are they still doing that? Are they connected to the news enough to quarantine correctly or will they deal with the fall out instead and what will that look like? How does the average public look at it?

(3) What is the Clay Table Processing on the Pro TR’s course?

(4) I think Tim Pool puts it very well in this video, particularly about the Gellman amnesia effect, but I’ll reiterate for the sake of a question format. The link is to a clip where Brian Williams and Mara Gay are discussing the amount of money Bloomberg spent on his election campaign and a glaring mistake in basic math is made and pontificated on at length, lamenting the nature of money in politics. If mainstream media, as Brian Williams and an editorial board member of the NYT certainly are, can makes this caliber of mistake on a concept most humans master by age 8 then how can we possibly trust them on issues of great complexity and nuance? I realize on the surface this just looks like an unfortunate gaff but I mean come on, they had a graphic cued up for this with a mistake in simple long division that made it past all the vetting of MSNBC and then was repeated by an anchor that has read news for over a decade and ironically a person whose job in journalism is editing for one of the largest newspapers in the US…. and I’m supposed to look to these people for accurate information and to fulfill the role of the 4th Estate?

(5) When you were a member in Scientology, did you disconnect, shun or ignore people who had left Scientology before you had left? And if so how did that play out. Also have you reconnected with them after you left Scientology?

(6) Was Hawai’i considered part of the west US when you were in the Sea Org? If so, did you get to go there for Sea Org business?

(7) Enjoying your book. I listen to it at work on Audible. I have a question, there is a picture of the Sea Org with David Miscavige and around 40 Sea Org members in the background. Have many of those people left or are most of them still involved?

(8) I don’t know if this has been answered before but I would like to know if it is only people below OT levels that get sent down the bridge to repeat things because of “errors”? I know this is part of the big plan to squeeze every last penny out of people, I just wondered if there was a cut off point, or is everybody a target? Is this done to some celebrity Scientologists as well?

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