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Critical Q&A #270

This week it’s answers about Scientology celebrities joining the Sea Org, Miscavige’s pedanticism, Scientology conspiracy theories and a lot more. Enjoy!

(1) What would happen if a Scientology celebrity all of the sudden decided they wanted to join the Sea Org?

(2) I’ve seen a number of recordings online, some secretly done, of various Scientology get-togethers where Miscavidge does his thing on an elaborately themed stage area. His phraseology is cleverly put together to obfuscate, with twists and turns to the effect that he speaks an awful lot but actually says very little. That is a very clever skill. I wonder who is the real brains behind it and the author of his speeches. However my question is about the audience. How come they fall for the same stuff every year? If you thought last year was brilliant, well next year we go global! He said that last time, it’s the same message as last year! 

(3) Can you elaborate on some Scientology conspiracy theories? Internal ones like the IRS takeover and external such as Hubbard’s bankers?

(4) What’s your take on the Alt-Right movement? Would you say it’s mutating into cultist like behaviour? On that note, what’s your take on Stefan Molyneux? 

(5) The references to David Miscavige changing and editing parts of Scientology brought to mind something I read in a blog about LRH tapes being edited to take out names on non-politically-correct statements. Is this true? I remember more than a few references to Mary Sue, usually as Suzy as well as a reference to Quentin in one of the Study Tapes. Nibs was named in a lot of the tapes from the 50s.

(6) Would it be fair to say that the Church of Scientology was more “spiritually focused” under LRH or is this just naive nostalgia?

1 thought on “Critical Q&A #270”

  1. Hi Chris, can you give any comments to the death of Kelly Preston.
    I would like to know if there would be any difference to her health care as a Scientologist?
    If yes, what would that have been?

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