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Critical Q&A #285

This week, it’s answers about what Scientology auditing feels like, some thoughts about Halloween, how we felt about rich Scientologists in the Sea Org and a lot more. Enjoy!

(1) I was wondering how people really feel while being audited. From what I’ve heard about the “repetitive” processes, it sounds kind of awful to me, so do people get bored? Feel trapped? Feel like they’re going crazy? I’ve heard they can go into a “trance state,” so do you sort of “lose consciousness” a LOT? Do you feel like it basically turns you into kind of a robot or a slave, mentally? Or, is it possible to come out of HOURS of auditing with your “real self” still basically intact? I’m just curious about the psychological state it creates. 

(2) First off I know you are a little bit more of a Star Wars fan versus Star Trek. That being said, who is your favorite recurring Stark Trek character?  Mine would have to be any played by Maj Barrett. 

Secondly with Halloween coming up I’d like to know if you and Melissa get into it as far as costumes or decorations. I personally do not decorate or anything like that any more but as far as the supernatural side of the holiday goes I am absolutely infatuated with it.  Like you however I set the bar very high when it comes to evidence regarding supernatural claims. In fact my favorite expert when it comes to these subjects is Joe Nickell with James Randi coming in at a very close second.  I think I’ve read just about every book these two gentlemen have written so far. 

(3) In Scientology, staffers and Sea Org members get paid a pittance, yet some of them (for example, salespeople selling high-level services or the management types) see large amounts of money floating right past them. Have you ever experienced or witnessed any resentment over this? As in, “the church isn’t broke, so why am I?” If not, why not? Are people simply conditioned to believe that all the money is going toward “saving the planet” or is it something else?

(4) Hi Chris. I’ve recently noticed a bunch of booklets in my local newsagents. They’re paperback yellow booklets on how to wash your hands and other basic hygiene tips. Only on the back cover does it say that these have been produced by Scientology. My question is why do this? It won’t make them any money, in fact surely the opposite. 

Also, what suppressive  act could they believe anyone has committed in order for us all to “pull in” the ongoing pandemic?

(5) Does Scientology distinguish between short-term and long-term measurements? Do they view “crunch time” or deferative maintenance as impacting both short-term and long-term objectives or do they rely on the idea of thetan powers reshaping reality as sufficient to ignore the longer-term effects observed in outside society?

(6) 1. Do they restrict photos / videos from being taken in certain buildings or anywhere else. In other words if photos are allowed to be taken and a Scientologist quits the organization is there a contract stating those photos can not be shared with the public? 

2. Are Scientologists allowed to drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes/cigars? I’m sure it sounds like a stupid question but I have read that they do not believe in mind altering drugs. Coffee and alcohol are mind altering so I’m wondering if the pick and choose to fit their needs. I can’t find these answers ANYWHERE.

1 thought on “Critical Q&A #285”

  1. my name is kia woodford. i am tied into scientology somehow and I WAS RAISED AS A JEHOVH’S WITNESS!!! because of my faith i would NEVER have anything to with scientology and yet for the past five years i have been inundated with thoughts of tom cruise and scientology. i have called the fbi and told them to investigate scientology and the fact that they use MIND CONTROL to accomplish whatever. also, it has proven to me that they worship SATAN. i know this because of my religion.

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