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Critical Q&A #292

This week, it’s answers about what responsibility cult members have for their actions (with a little rant about our prison system), how Scientologists really view physical illness, my thoughts on Falon Gong and a lot more. Enjoy!

(1) In season 2 of Scientology and the Aftermath, Leah and Paul Haggis were talking about the celebrities that are still in Scientology, and if I understood it well, they were holding these celebrities accountable for not stepping up against Scientology’s practices (or for not wanting to look into it). Leah also talked about how she didn’t do the right thing as a Scientologist, meaning she didn’t want to confront what her best friend was telling her about her brother’s experience as a Sea Org member at the time and didn’t want to confront what Paul was saying too when heleft. Now, I know Leah was asking questions and got punished for it, and I assume the same happened to Paul at some point.

The thing I’m unsure about and wanted to ask you is: how much ”blame” or accountability can we give to cult members when they don’t look into allegations of abuse or whatnot in their group, or even not speaking out? Isn’t this one of the main points of not ‘owning your mind’ as a cult member?

I don’t want my question to sound like people shouldn’t be accountable for what they do: I’m a firm believer in taking responsibility for your actions. My only ‘but’ is: how does that apply to cult members?

(2) How does Scientology treat global pandemics such as what we are experiencing now? According to them, is this something that can be cured through auditing? Are medical and science issues such as this considered thetans? 

(3) What, if any, are your thoughts on the suppression of Falun Gong by the Chinese government? 

(4) It has been documented that LRH said that through auditing, one can go back millions and trillions of years. This would mean, however, before human life was even on Earth. Therefore, was it ever explained where people were during this time frame? Did he ever explain this anomaly or has no one ever asked or thought about it?

(5) I like your focus on PTSD & related effects of cults/abuse. Does one of your videos discuss strategies for trauma survivors to connect/date when we feel/think so different? I’m 49 years old.

(6) On my reading of “Introduction to Scientology Ethics,” it seemed to be the case that Scientology methods and materials are perfect, so a failure for the Church to grow steadily can only be explained by staff not knowing their roles, having withholds or being PTS or SP. Given that they clearly are not growing steadily, has this policy been sidelined or are orgs in a constant state of interrogation?  

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