This week, it’s a deeper discussion about extremism and where people cross the line to it, a discussion on scientism, the ethics of Facebook and a lot more. Enjoy!
(1) As we know, Scientologists are all-in on their belief about Scientology no matter what they hear to the contrary. Nothing seems to be able to change that point of view. At what point do Scientologists cross that line into this state of mind?
(2) Do you have any good stories about someone getting busted for Joking and Degrading?
(3) I recently came across Scientology as I am interested in finding out life’s truths, which (unfortunately) may involve sometimes learning about people who believe in a fantasy.
As a young scientist, objective worldly questions are heavily on my mind. I thought it might be interesting to discuss the concept of “scientism”, the ways in which it’s comparable to Scientology, and when this belief can actually become a bad thing.
(4) I heard you are leaving Facebook in response to Zuckerberg’s craven quest for world domination. Out of curiosity, have you looked into how much your Facebook presence directs traffic to your site and videos/podcasts?
I totally get how you feel. I am reminded though of what I once heard a doctor say on NPR in response to a caller who mentioned that she saw a glitch in the vaccination system and should she use it to jump the line. The doctor’s response shocked me: “your job is to take care of you and your family. It is someone else’s job to design the system. Look out for number one.” Her point is that her use of the glitch isn’t going to move the needle.
As a critical thinker, have you weighed the positive value your work does within the Facebook system against the impact of your action? I’m no Facebook shrill but was curious how you came to your conclusion.
(5) Just watched your latest Q&A and the question about flunking in bull-baiting suddenly brought up a personal memory from Pro TRs. Since blinking always means a flunk is there a certain acceptable rate at which one is allowed to blink or when does it become too much? Since birth I’ve had dry eyes that cause me to blink a lot more often than people normally do unless I use moisturizing eye drops. This really got me into trouble while doing the TRs and at one time the AO Pro TRs course supervisor started yelling at me with the whole course room full to “STOP FUCKING BLINKING ALREADY” and he wasn’t the one doing the TRs with me so it wasn’t part of any bull-bait. Then he would just angrily stare at me for hours from the side so I was basically confronting 2 people at the same time. Is this “normal” course supervising or what would you have done with a case like mine in the past?
(6) Hey Chris. In today’s clip you mentioned that Xenu was imprisoned in a mountain but after that the Marcab Confederation turned into a desert. Why? If the bad guy was gone, why did society decline? Why weren’t the officers able to rebuild?
(7) Which Star Trek Klingon character is your favorite? Also, using the same criteria, which character is your favorite recurring antagonist? My favorites both come from DS9. General Martok is my favorite Klingon. When It comes to antagonists I am fond of all of the characters that Jeffrey Combs played but Weyoun is my favorite.
(8) Would a bench press contest in the Sea Org og over well?