This week, it’s answers about Hubbard’s writings, some thoughts on the subject of hazing, the purpose of Scientology Celebrity Centres and a lot more. Enjoy!
(1) L. Ron Hubbard was a prolific writer. Perhaps too prolific even for Scientology. It is my understanding that over the years, a number of books written by Hubbard and published by the Church of Scientology were discontinued for various reasons, some by Hubbard himself, others by Miscavige. Is this a correct understanding? If it is, here’s a hypothetical question. A person walks into a Scientology org and wants to buy a book that’s been out of print for 30 or 50 years. What would a staff member tell them? Obviously, that might depend on the staff member’s level of knowledge. A young staffer who has never heard of the title might give a different answer than an older staffer who might remember the title from days past or a second-gen staffer who may have seen it on their parents’ bookshelf. Or perhaps there is an answer every staff member is trained to give in such situations?
(2) I recently received a magazine from COS, “L Ron Hubbard Hall (Journey with Ron)” AKA junk mail. I noticed the name of my ex-Reg from CC listed as an Elite Member (contributor). I couldn’t find anywhere on the internet how much he had to cough up to get that type of status, but it had to be a lot. This made me wonder, if he’s been fired as a Reg because of the Chase-wave, then he must be doing an amends project. If he’s still a Sea Org member, he really should not have the money to become an Elite Member of LRH Hall unless he made commissions as a Reg. Do reges make a commission on the donations of their public/victims? Would you know what percentage?
(3) Can you at some point explain (if you even know) why they opened Celebrity Centers in various cities? LA seems the only logical place for one, and I believe it’s the only one left, but I”m pretty sure I’ve read about the one in Portland, one in Nashville, Las Vegas, etc. It’s so bizarre.
(4) I was wondering what’s your opinion on hazing. A lot of people I’ve met felt abused but a lot of them especially in the military feel like it’s the best thing that ever happened to them. They consider it a test to see if they can trust you. If you break they’re going to worry that you won’t have their back in a firefight. The hazing that goes on in college I think is ridiculous though but if you have any insights into the psychology of this ritual that seems to happen in every culture I’d love to hear it. In some military units when you earn your SEAL tab or wings they will drive the pin into you by punching it. They aren’t supposed to do that but it still happens and for some reason anyone I’ve spoken to is proud to have had that happen.
(5) What is the quickest way to see the dysfunction in Scientology? Clearly going to the org would require a lot of time and money before you could see the problems. Is there a quick way to show someone the problems? Would stopping on the road that goes through Gold Base work? Along with that, what risks if any do you see with confronting the problems quickly?
(6) Any suggestions for finishing our degrees online for us other middle-aged ancient people?
(7) Chris, do you know if there is any relationship between the Scientology Leadership Training and Choice Leadership University in Las Vegas or other EST and Landmark Forum related “Leadership” training centers?
(8) Does Scientology seize passports of foreign nationals?