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Critical Q&A #89

The weekly show where I answer viewer questions left in the comments section of my Q&A videos or sent to me by email at This week, the questions I answer are:

(1) It seems people are able to get out of Scientology/Sea Organization with nothing and rebuild. I’d like to hear more about that. What line of work did you get into? Is there a list of people who would help support “defectors”?

(2) Your interview on Oh No Ross and Carrie was fantastic. Could you expand on the Prison Planet, Alex Jones, Scientology connection?

(3) My question has to do with levels of belief at the top, and in this case I mean exactly David Miscavige, and his weird psychology. What spurred me to wonder about this is the existence of CST projects. It seems to me that a cynical overlord who doesn’t believe in the teachings of the cult he leads wouldn’t spend money on this activity – that is, the preservation of Hubbard’s words. the holy scripture of Scientology, so that they may be available to future generations and perhaps even survive nuclear explosions. It gives him nothing, because it’s secret.
This stuff is completely different from the endless opening of new Ideal Orgs and expensive media facilities, which are clearly done as PR, presumably aimed at current Scientologists. That stuff is all public and it might actually make sense to spend money on such stuff for the sake of keeping people in the fold and willing to donate more money.
But the CST centers are SECRET!! What would a cynical non-believer want with that? It would seem to be almost literally money down a rabbit hole. For example, if you watch any of these exposes of money-grubbing televangelists, all of their money is spent on their own luxurious lifestyles. You don’t see them, for example, SECRETLY building a mansion for Jesus to hang out in when he ultimately returns. That wouldn’t make sense for a cynical non-believing overlord.
So my question really comes down to, what is going on with Miscavige and these nutty, SECRET, projects that only spend money, produce no publicity, and produce no more fancy motorcycles for Davie?

(4) What are the KRC and ARC triangles and what are the differences between the two?

(5) Around cult leaders (or even just regular celebrities) there’s often collections of items the person made, used or even just touched which become extremely valuable to followers. Are there any L. Ron Hubbard relics being traded around by or shown to the Scientology community?

(6) Lance Bass said Leah Remini was once his “sponsor.” Does this mean she would have gotten money if he stuck with it, or was this just a “nice thing” for her to do?

(7) Were you the Course supervisor at PAC? I left in 2000 something. Thank you for your videos, its a long story. I was in ASHOD.

(8) Has anyone who has been declared ever been able to claw their way back into the cult?

7 thoughts on “Critical Q&A #89”

  1. Hi Chris, I looked for the Scientology homage to you at the page they did on Leah and did not see it. Anyway … enjoying your owngoing podcast series.

    Question for you. Do ex Scientologists feel after leaving the so called church (it’s not) that they are still superior to other people (wogs as they are described within the “religion). After all Scientologists are brainwashed into believing that.

    Also another question, which you may have covered before, but it is this: How did you deprogram yourself once you got out of the cult? Given the vicious grip the organization exerts over every facet of ones thinking this strikes me as a monumental task whether undertaken alone or with professional help.

  2. I saw you on Scientology The Aftermath, Leah Remini’s show and then saw a tweet about this Q&A session which I just finished watching. There is a lot of great info and I intend to go watch the back Q&A sessions, over time of course. I just wanted to say that I admire your courage to speak out against Scientology. It couldn’t have been easy when Church of Scientology attacked you after appearing on Leah Remini’s show but here you are still speaking out which I find amazing. The only way to combat a cult, such as Scientology, is to put out as much info as they are putting into their members so I think that what you are doing is just amazing. I know Scientologists are not supposed to go on the internet but how is it that members don’t go on anyway? How would the Church REALLY know? If Scientologists are not allowed on the internet then how is it they keep creating all of these websites against ex scientologists? Lastly, I have heard of all kinds of assaults, child abuse/labor etc. How is it the Church of Scientology keeps getting away with that? I am sure skeptics (which I am not), are wondering how all of these crimes are being committed but yet no one has been charged. You may have already answered some of these but I just subscribed today so I thank you for your patience. Anyway, Stay strong and keep up the fight against this horrible cult! The work you are doing does make a difference and it could possibly (if not already has) keep someone from joining or provide answers to someone in Scientology thinking about getting out. Merry Christmas! I hope you had a wonderful day filled with friends, family, love, laughter and happiness!

  3. Hi Chris,
    Can you tell what you have found out about the relation between the cia kubark interrogation manual and the scientology communication course?

  4. Hi Chris liked your podcast. Regarding bullies, My gran used to say if they are picking on you they are leaving someone else alone’ keep up the good work x

  5. Looking forward to the day when CO$ is a distant memory, and you apply your great talent to critical thinking issues that apply to society more broadly. Your excellence will shine through in all that you pursue. Congratulations on all you accomplished in 2016!

  6. Let’s start to “de-mystify” the ridiculous lingo that scientology uses to create their own world that makes it hard for outsiders to understand. Using ‘alternative’ words for the most basic ideas just made it more difficult for their corruption to be revealed sooner.

    For example:

    1. “Mission” vs. “Org”
    Laughable terminology to describe a “Franchise” vs. “Corporate-owned”
    2. “Berthing”
    a.k.a. your living quarters, your home, your apartment, etc. (seriously, people…)
    3. “Auditing”
    A clever word to describe “Therapy” that pretends to have a fixed outcome as if it were the same as a math problem….

    And so on….

    Let’s take the power out of their words since it’s an intended tactic meant to create separation and confusion.

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