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Scientology, the IAS and Medical Abuse

Kay Rowe was a member of the Sea Organization and spent over a decade working in the International Association of Scientologists as a fundraiser and event organizer. In this video we talk about her experiences with the IAS and the awful circumstances of how she left the Sea Org due to unhandled medical situations which the Sea Org could not be bothered to care for or treat.

Kaye’s blog is here

1 thought on “Scientology, the IAS and Medical Abuse”

  1. Hello Chris, Thanks so much for doing this interview with me and sharing it with others. Just who the heck does Miscavige think he is that he can destroy lives and get away with his ponzi scheme!!! I am so grateful for you and people like you who have exposed the truth. You give me hope that “this soon shall come to pass”. BTW- a more direct link to the Sneal Peak on Chapter 11 is this one:

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