What Anonymous Did to Scientology
What happened in 2008 that turned around the entire scene for Scientology and finally exposed it for the brutal, destructive cult that it is? Anonymous… Read More »What Anonymous Did to Scientology
What happened in 2008 that turned around the entire scene for Scientology and finally exposed it for the brutal, destructive cult that it is? Anonymous… Read More »What Anonymous Did to Scientology
What did the hacktavist group Anonymous do in 2008 that was so significant in the fight against Scientology? What did I see at the time and what do I think now about all that? I break it all down in this short clilp. Enjoy!
Read More »Anonymous vs ScientologyThe weekly show where I answer viewer questions left for me in the comments sections of my Q&A videos or sent to me by email to AskChrisShelton@gmail.com. This week, the questions I answer are:Read More »Critical Q&A #148
The weekly show where I answer viewer questions left in the comments section of my Q&A shows or sent to me by email at AskChrisShelton@gmail.com. This week, the questions I answer are:Read More »Critical Q&A #101
The weekly show where I answer questions from the comments section of my Q&A videos or sent to me by email at AskChrisShelton@gmail.com. The video I mentioned in my answers about Scientology’s organizational structure is here. This week the questions I answer are:Read More »Critical Q&A #42
The twelfth installment of my question-and-answer video show, where I take up questions subscribers and commenters have asked me in my videos and answer them as best I can. Questions answered in this video:Read More »Critical Q&A #12