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cult recovery

Immediate Aids to Cult Recovery

What can or should a person do when they first get out of a destructive relationship or cult situation? What tools or resources are available that they can take advantage of to provide relief and help them acclimate back into the real world? This is a huge topic but in this short clip I take a stab at discussing some of the simpler and more immediate options. Enjoy!

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Advice to Former Scientologists Newly Out

Hello. Recently I celebrated what has been five years out of Scientology. I’ve made a few videos and written articles about recovering from Scientology and everything that entails. This video is meant for anyone out there who has recently left Scientology behind too and who is wondering what’s up and where to go next. It would take a book to really answer that, but I thought a short video might be helpful. All of what I’m going to say here is just my opinion. I’m not going to try to psychoanalyze or evaluate for you here and you can feel free to reject anything I say.Read More »Advice to Former Scientologists Newly Out

Advice to Family & Friends of Cult Members

Hi, my name is Chris Shelton and I am a cult survivor and now advocate against destructive cults. I was involved for decades with the Church of Scientology but I’ve found since leaving that group four years ago that high control groups which engage in undue influence or cohersive persuasion have a lot in common. If you’re watching this, you may know someone who is in one of these groups and want to know what you should and shouldn’t do to help them see the error of their ways and get them out of that group. Now I’m not a trained psychologist or psychotherapist, but I have helped people escape from Scientology and I’ve helped some others recover. Let’s go over some things and see if some of what I’ve learned can help you too.Read More »Advice to Family & Friends of Cult Members