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David Icke

Scientology’s Totally Insane Recruitment Methods

Today we are going to talk about two of my favorite subjects: Scientology recruitment and conspiracy theories. Now by Scientology recruitment I don’t mean getting people in to do their silly personality tests or sign up for their courses, but I mean the actual recruitment activities to get people to join Scientology staff or to sign a billion year contract of committment for Scientology’s elite core group, the Sea Organization. We’re actually going to concentrate on Sea Org recruitment specifically, but all the methods I am going to describe here are used to a greater or lesser extent to recruit Scientologists for staff at local, city-level churches as well. I’m pretty sure some of you watching this may find a lot of what I’m going to talk about unbelievable, but I swear it’s all true. We really used to do this stuff and as far as I know, Scientology recruiters still do. A lot of people think that the Xenu narrative is the most crazy part of Scientology but I think you may change your mind after you hear all of this. Not every Scientologist falls for Hubbard’s conspiracy theories, but most of them do.Read More »Scientology’s Totally Insane Recruitment Methods