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destructive cult

Why Won’t the FBI Stop Scientology?

Somehow despite hundreds of people coming forward in interviews, books and media reports exposing Scientology’s abuses, law enforcement constantly seems to turn a blind eye, allowing this destructive cult to continue ruining people’s lives under false pretenses, coercive persuasion and emotional blackmail. Why won’t law enforcement bodies like the FBI step up and do something about this? Here is my concise answer to that question. Enjoy!

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Scientology is Not a Religion. Period.

Over the years, I have answered a lot of questions about Scientology and one thing that I see which I have to comment on is this question of Scientology’s religious status. It claims to be a bona fide religion and has done a lot of work over the years to gain acceptance by religious scholars, governments and courts to legitimize itself. I, however, disagree.Read More »Scientology is Not a Religion. Period.

How to Get Back in Scientology’s Good Graces

On this channel and all over social and news media, Scientology’s toxic practice of disconnection has been discussed. The long litany of personal tragedies, broken families and ruined relationships at the hands of the Church of Scientology is well documented. Only someone whose head is firmly planted in the sand, or a Scientologist, could possibly argue that disconnection policies don’t exist or that they do not have tragic consequences.Read More »How to Get Back in Scientology’s Good Graces