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Ed Winter

Alexander Jentzsch: A Scientology Tragedy in 3 Acts

Five years ago today, on July 3, 2012, a Scientologist was found dead. Whatever ideas come to your mind when I say the word Scientologist, I want you to clear them out of the way because those aren’t significant in deciding how to think about the death of this young man. He was not some nameless, faceless religious zealot. He was not some low IQ idiot who deserved what he got because he was stupid enough to join a destructive cult. In fact, objectively speaking, none of these extremist labels apply to him. Just the opposite actually. He never was asked whether or not he wanted to be a Scientologist. At the time of his death, he was a former Sea Org member, he was a son, he was a husband and he was my friend. His name was Alexander Jentzsch and this is his tragic story.Read More »Alexander Jentzsch: A Scientology Tragedy in 3 Acts