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Is Feminism a Cult?

Is feminism as a whole a destructive cult in the same way that Scientology is? Well, spoiler but no, I don’t think so. However, I do have some comments about feminism and extremism which are probably worth hearing. Enjoy!

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[VIDEO] Scientology in Russia – It’s 1984 All Over Again

Scientology has operated in Russia for over 20 years and in all likelihood, will continue operating there in one form or another for many more years to come. However, recent developments have caused me to look more deeply into what is going on there and how the Russian government has chosen to deal with what they clearly consider the Scientology threat. Watching a somewhat totalitarian government regime deal with an authoritarian destructive cult should be entertaining, but unfortunately that is not the case. The way things are going in Russia now, it appears they are falling right back into Stalinist thought policing which will only mean more trouble for everyone.Read More »[VIDEO] Scientology in Russia – It’s 1984 All Over Again

[VIDEO] Scientology and Beyond: Intolerance and Extremism

Attending the Reason Rally this past weekend was an amazing experience and educational in ways that went far beyond what I think the organizers intended. I’ve been quite angered over the past couple of weeks as some things have started coming to light for me which I would like to start to share with you. None of what I’m about to say is meant to tarnish or paint any broad group of people or activists with the hate brush or say that I’m in any way against equal rights for everyone. I think I’ve made it pretty clear on my channel so far that I am an ardent supporter of anyone being who and what they want to be so long as that doesn’t harm anyone else or infringe on basic human rights for everyone.Read More »[VIDEO] Scientology and Beyond: Intolerance and Extremism