Scientology, Sexism and Equality
Is there rampant sexism in Scientology? What about other human rights issues? These are important questions and some of my answers might surprise you. Enjoy!
Is there rampant sexism in Scientology? What about other human rights issues? These are important questions and some of my answers might surprise you. Enjoy!
This week, I go into rules about TV in the Sea Org, go deep into what happened at Abu Graibe and how that relates to… Read More »Critical Q&A #402
Scientology has promoted “human rights” for years while violating every principle of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights with its own members, a level of… Read More »Scientology’s Hypocrisy on Human Rights
We just wrapped our live stream call-in show for this week and had some real fun talking about Melissa’s background and atheism, current events and… Read More »Critical Conversations 6.3.20 with Chris Shelton and Melissa Huff
The Church of Scientology is known internationally for their human rights abuses, so how is it they run the largest grassroots movement for teaching human rights to children around the world? In this clip, I break down what this program is all about and how Scientology uses it as a PR cover. Enjoy!
Read More »Why Scientology Runs Youth for Human RightsLet’s talk a bit about the Church of Scientology’s current campaigns to dispel rumors and lies about its organizations and members. One can divide Scientology supporters into roughly five categories:Read More »Some Thoughts on Scientology Criticism