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The Basics of Scientology: Investigations and the Data Series

This video is the next in my ongoing series breaking down Scientology principles and concepts and showing how the fundamental assumptions and ideas underlying these principles don’t hold up to critical thinking. In this video, we are going to take a quick and dirty look at a part of Scientology which doesn’t receive a lot of attention, even by all Scientologists, but which determines many of the decisions and activities the Church of Scientology engages in, including its abusive harassment and targeting of Scientology critics. What we are going to be looking at is a collection of guidelines and methods Hubbard wrote to teach Scientologists his own brand of logic and reasoning. The actual body of written issues this is based on is called the Data Series. There will be more videos and podcasts in the near future on this subject which will go into a lot of detail about different aspects of this. The purpose of this video is just to give a short overview and commentary on what this is all about.Read More »The Basics of Scientology: Investigations and the Data Series