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Janja Lalich

Why Saying Cults are “New Religious Movements” is Wrong

In this podcast clip, I describe why academics are referring to destructive cults as “new religious movements” to try to take the edge off the “cult” moniker, but why this is inaccurate and ultimately, a form of apologia that doesn’t help anyone but the cults themselves by giving them an air of legitimacy they don’t deserve. Enjoy!

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Advice to Family & Friends of Cult Members

Hi, my name is Chris Shelton and I am a cult survivor and now advocate against destructive cults. I was involved for decades with the Church of Scientology but I’ve found since leaving that group four years ago that high control groups which engage in undue influence or cohersive persuasion have a lot in common. If you’re watching this, you may know someone who is in one of these groups and want to know what you should and shouldn’t do to help them see the error of their ways and get them out of that group. Now I’m not a trained psychologist or psychotherapist, but I have helped people escape from Scientology and I’ve helped some others recover. Let’s go over some things and see if some of what I’ve learned can help you too.Read More »Advice to Family & Friends of Cult Members