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L. Ron Hubbard

Deconstructing Scientology: Chapter 14

Hey everyone.

This week we continue on our slugfest of apologetics contained in this book, Scientology, edited by James R. Lewis and containing essays and articles written by sociologists, religious scholars, psychologists and the like, mostly slanted favorably towards Scientology and its status as a tax-exempt religious organization. I am deconstructing this nonsense so you don’t have to. This week’s puff piece about Scientology’s legal battles in various countries is unfortunately not an exception to most of what we have covered, so I’m going to skim lightly over this and spare you most of the obviously biased nonsense.Read More »Deconstructing Scientology: Chapter 14

Deconstructing Scientology: Chapter 12

Hey everyone. This is the next installment in my deconstruction of the book Scientology, edited by James R. Lewis. We’ve gone through the introduction and eleven chapters so far and except for the bit of bright light we saw last week, so far it’s been a real slug-fest trying to just wade through the verbiage as well as counter most of the frankly asinine statements these academics have made about Scientology in their quest to make it seem like a legitimate religious movement on the same order as Christianity, Islam or Buddhism. I’ve shown time and again how their data is off, their thinking is flawed and their conclusions are almost imbecilic. So where are we at now?Read More »Deconstructing Scientology: Chapter 12