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The Value of an Open Mind

It’s funny how, since I’ve left Scientology behind me, how I keep running into certain principles and rules they have which are totally contrary to living a rational and sane life. I just recently came across one of these instances and I was really surprised to discover how important this actually is.Read More »The Value of an Open Mind

What is Critical Thinking?

Every single day, each one of us are assaulted with information. Facts and figures are thrown at us by the news media, advertisers, our boss, our subordinates, friends and family. Data comes in all different forms and varieties, from commercials claiming 4 out of 5 dentists recommend a particular toothpaste, to rumors about celebrities, to “facts” being taught to our children in schools. Just about every single person you run into or see or hear is feeding you information and claiming it is true.Read More »What is Critical Thinking?