The eleventh installment of my question-and-answer video show, where I take up questions subscribers and commenters have asked me in my videos and answer them as best I can. Questions answered in this video:
(1) Hubbard, in many of his writings, talks about a fair exchange being necessary between his org and the students as the foundation of good business practices but since COB took over, this idea has been purged. How do the “in” folks square the circle on this inconsistency? There must be some mental gymnastics at play, or am I missing something? Thanks for all you do!
(2) Since we already know that Scientology is a fraud, and that organized religion in general is not positive, what would you suggest to someone who wants to expand his spiritual horizon, but does not want to delve heavily into philosophy books?
(3) Do you think media literacy (including scientific literacy) and skepticism mixed with understanding things about psychology helps to keep people out of cults like Scientology? This besides critical thought or free thought?
(4) Chris, the bit of this video that I found most interesting is your account of investigating the life of LRH and the absurdity of the OT materials and your resulting sense of betrayal. From chatting with Indies, they seem to still hold LRH and his tech in high regard, and focus on the evils of David Miscavige’s administration as reasons to blow. Do you think this is the primary difference between those who blow completely and those who soft-land in the Freezone or other Indies? I hope you can answer this since I heard some sirens in the background and worry that the OSA is coming to get you for making too much sense.
Update: On Reddit I’ve learned there are some who blow who are aware of LRH’s real life story, yet choose to continue working the tech as Independents in spite of LRH embodying all the flaws his tech was supposed to solve. I wonder if you have some insight into this, since it seems to require superhuman levels of compartmentalization, or cognitive dissonance.
(5) Thank you for the new videos! My question: What kind of training in Scientology did David Miscavige do? Which tech and admin training did he do and do you know and his case level? Sorry for my English, I am Swiss.
(6) Have you had any repercussions or dirty tricks, that you are aware of, done on you yet?
Have you had anybody follow you or try to intimidate you? Or have you been sued?
(7) Hubbard was a con artist, liar and insane. I wonder about the God thing. In that episode of Oprah when Cruise is interviewed at his Telluride home, Oprah point blanks asks him if he believes in God and Cruise responds “Yeah, I believe in God.” Was he lying or was he telling the truth, meaning he believes in God or a god but he just doesn’t pray or worship him/her/it?
(8) Thank you for the effort you put into answering our questions. I have a little cartoon that runs through my head about some of our fundamentalist brethren. It goes like this, “Sure, I’ll come down and hold your tin cans if you’ll come and handle our snakes.” Having said that, are you aware of any efforts made by Scientology to infiltrate the Southern “Bible Belt” states?
(9) Hey Chris, again I show my gratitude for your loyal and obedient service. Next I would like you to discuss the power of conspiracy theory in mind control. Tell us exactly what conspiracy theories we would have to believe to really bite hook line and sinker. Thanks again.
(10) Does the brainwashing come solely from auditing or does the peer pressure culture also play a role? If David Miscavige doesn’t audit, is he brainwashed?
(11) Chris, will the recent article in the LA Times regarding the surveillance on Ron Miscavige, Sr. penetrate the Scientology bubble? How can anyone hear that a man was willing to have a person working for them sit and allow his father to die? Can people continue to believe that everyone is lying and David Miscavige has not done anything wrong? I was never in the Church of Scientology so I can see him for the little, greedy punk he is.
You have described LRH as a pathological liar. A definition from Wiki:
pathological lying has been defined as “falsification entirely disproportionate to any discernible end in view, may be extensive and very complicated, and may manifest over a period of years or even a lifetime”.[1]
I think LRH lied a lot. But, was there a “discernible end in view”? I think so. For instance, maybe he didn’t want his foibles in life to detract from Scientology, so he lied a lot and covered up bad things like being removed from command in the Navy with being a war hero. That is forgivable, I suppose. Like, who cares anyway.
But, when did that lying stop? Specifically, are their processes that he gave “us” to keep us in control and him in power? I was thinking maybe these would be processes he did not do himself. For instance, somehow I cannot see LRH running around a pole on the Survival R/D. Or jumping overboard when he made a mistake in auditing…
Are their other processes we ran, but he did not. I guess 6 month sec checks fits that bill (but Miscavige instituted that) but maybe extreme penalties when you make a mistake (LRH made lots of mistakes)..
I am still trying to sort this out. It’s a mess. Your thoughts?
Thanks again Chris. You do a great job in giving clear insights on critical thinking and overcoming the cult mindset. Two questions:
How can people overcome the implanted phobias and paranoia about counseling, other religions, media, government agencies or other resources that can actually help?
What are some good questions to ask a Scientologist to get them to begin questioning their beliefs, founder, or organization without creating antagonism?