The weekly show where I answer questions posed in the comment section of my YouTube channel or sent to me by email at This week, the questions I take up are:
(1) I have heard of the horrible way Sea Org members are treated: the 16 hour days, yelled at by superiors, menial labor, etc. It seems those who blow out of Scientology are most often Sea Org members who are burnt out or tired of being mistreated. Why does the organization treat people this way? It seems that its not advantageous to the Church to create an atmosphere that makes people want to run away. Much of the Church’s bad publicity has been from Sea Org stories. If they wanted to alleviate this press issue, they’d treat the Sea Org members well so as to prevent people from wanting to leave. Is it just a desire to get free labor that spurs the Church’s top leadership to overwork the Sea Org members?
(2) Hi Chris! With all the violence that David Miscavige seems to inflict with impunity, can’t a few strong fellows who have had enough, just physically carry him off and declare a new regime…assign him to some RPF duties, locked up in his own “hole”?
(3) Given the amount of exposure in the media on Scientology’s questionable practices, why are we not hearing about the U.S. government re-evaluating the status of Scientology as a legitimate religion? Given the amount of information out there, I’m surprised this hasn’t been given more political attention. One would think that enough evidence currently exists to launch a full investigation. Are we dealing with a passive population that is more interested in learning about this cult, rather than acting in meaningful ways to reverse its path? I’m surprised that the power of social media and documentaries such as Going Clear have not created the call to action necessary to severely cripple the Scientology organization in the United States. I am astounded that this group is still able to continue purchasing properties at this pace without intervention.
(4) Hi Chris. Great videos and thank you for speaking out. I have a question in relation with the suicide of Jim Carrey’s ex-girlfriend. Is it possible that a Scientologist would consider suicide as a way to get rid of his/her troubles in the present life? Based on the fact that Scientologists believe in reincarnation, could it be that the person might think that he/she will come back in another life and have a “clean slate”?
(5) Hi, C-Shel! I have a more personal question, which is more a comparison of perspectives. Having had the Scientology-centric indoctrination of what your purpose in life was supposed to be, namely, whatever benefits Scientology, and then becoming free of those mental and emotional manacles, does pursuing or contemplating the real possibilities for discovering a meaning to life take on new meaning to you? Have other areas of life, like getting up in the morning, or enjoying a nice meal or a drink with friends become more satisfying and rewarding? Please keep up the awesome videos – the information and insight is invaluable.
(6) From your experience as a Sea Org member, are there different challenges working in churches in Middle America compared to let say Los Angeles? Do you face more religious bigotry in these areas? Are there any pressure groups from other religions or people from the extreme right that give the Church problems in these areas? I am asking this because being from the South, I had no idea what Scientology was until I watched your videos. The only thing I knew or associated with the Church was that they “worshiped aliens.” Or at least that was what I was told until I did my own research.
(7) Hi Chris, it was great to meet you at the Toronto conference. My question is one I asked you at the conference; at the time, we were in a joking mood and so it was taken as the compliment it was meant to be, but not really answered as we moved on to other subjects. But now I’m going to put you on the spot, because I think it’s an interesting and critical issue: Why is it, do you think, that some people can “awake” and recover quickly and embrace rationality, like you, while others take many years to free themselves from the thought control trap? And why do some people never open their eyes?
I’m a long time viewer of your videos and I have a much longer standing fascination with COS. I do have some questions and comments that I’ll send along soon, but for now I just want to send you a link to a NYT article on a pretty vicious cult that’s been in the news lately because of a death, some say murder.
Keep up the good work!