The show where I answer your questions. Please leave any comments or feedback in the comments section here below. I see everything and want to hear from you.
Link to CFI booksigning event:
(1) I notice in these conversations with your mom that your mother’s language is still laced with ‘Scientologese’ even though she has been away from the church for a long while. I don’t get the impression that she has a tendency towards identifying as an ‘Indie Scientologist’ who may still embrace some Scientology principles and she certainly doesn’t seem to want anything to do with the official Church of Scientology.
This brings up the concept of ‘recovery’ in Scientology. Not as in recovering from Scientology but be being recovered back into Scientology. I don’t think your mom would ever be able to be recovered, but I do believe that people who are still using the language still have some connection with the subject even though they may not even be aware of it. You have mentioned in the past that ‘recovery’ was one of your jobs when you were in the Sea Org and that you were very good at it. Could you explain how you went about recovering people and more importantly now, how people can best avoid being recovered back into Scientology?
(2) What about if people deliberately want to stay in that state of ignorance for purely egoistical reasons as physical health, well being and so on?
(3) Hubbard’s Scientology gives people a false sense of security, especially in what happens after they die. Letting go of that must be terrifying, and maybe impossible for some people, especially if they grew up believing in it. Life with all its pains and suffering can sometimes feel like a free fall into emptiness. Scientology promises that there will be a soft landing, and that provides some comfort to people who believe it.
Do you ever miss being comforted by Hubbard’s ideas? Do you ever experience mortal terror and emptiness now that you realize there may not be a soft landing? If so how do you deal with it?
(4) There have been some news articles re Tom Cruise moving to St Hill in England. Most people consider it bunk. I do not as he could be in some turmoil seeing his daughter Suri in the press growing up & this issue is coming up in auditing. When Miscaviage hears of this he could have decided to sit down with Tom, & give him a grandiose title such as European Director of the Board, so as to get Tom very focused on being much more of a leader rather than just a figure head, getting him to work more on expanding Scientology and by default dragging him further down the rabbit hole. Would you consider this a possibility?
(5) After watching your video with an ex-Jehovah Witness on comparing and contrast the 2 different cults, have you ever considered doing another video with other former cult members? Perhaps a former Mormon or an ex-Moonie?
(6) For the former members that are blown and outspoken, is it a point of pride that Scientology puts out trash talk about you or is it something that you worry about?
(7) Do you believe that if a reform was to happen and the church was turned into a business offering courses and therapy auditing it could be of help and turn from evil to good? Including offering more affordable prices and the cancellation of Sea Org and other draconian management organizations?