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Critical Q&A #69

The weekly show where I answer questions from viewers from either the comments to my Q&A videos or sent to me by email at

(1) Listening to Lawrence Woodcraft’s account of his life as a Scientologist, I noticed that Scientology had to do a serious run around the immigration rules to get him to come to Clearwater from his native England and stay there. Elsewhere, Jason Beghe stated that on several occasions, his calls to Clearwater had been answered by people who seemed to have limited command of the English language and accents that he thought to be Eastern European. It is also widely known that Mike Rinder is from Australia and Hana Eltringham-Whitfield is from South Africa. So, if we assume that the Eastern Europeans encountered by Beghe, along with the Australians, Brits, and South Africans he didn’t peg as such, had to jump through the same hoops Lawrence Woodcraft did, it would appear that there are at least a few people in the Sea Org who, due to the Sea Org’s policies, are technically in violation of immigration rules, as is the Sea Org itself. Hence, a three-part question: (a) have you encountered non-U.S. Sea Org personnel during your time as a Scientologist and if so, how often?, (b) has Scientology ever butted heads with ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) over the status of Sea Org members who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents?, and (c) how likely, in your opinion, is this kind of head-butting to happen in the near future?

(2) I have an odd question: You have said, and Scientology has said, that the RPF and/or the Hole was “voluntary.” Has anyone, to the best of YOUR knowledge, ever politely declined or flat-out refused to go? If so, what was the result? Were they eventually broken down so that they recanted their decision, or did they get some sort of sanction (i.e. extra courses, having to hand out booklets, etc.) or were they booted straight to the curb? Any insight you can give will help. Thank you for your answer.

(3) Chris, I have never understood the clay thing, what is the purpose of doing all those hours playing with clay ? I don’t get it.

(4) Big fan of your videos. Thanks for sharing so much about your personal experiences. I was wondering – how did L Ron say he learned about Xenu? I can understand how Scientologists could believe that he came up with techniques to overcome personal issues, but I can’t understand how they could believe that he had knowledge of something that explained, in so much detail, events that happened a billion years ago.

(5) Chris have you been officially declared a suppressive by the Church of Scientology?

(6) Chris, I enjoy your posts and look forward to each new episode. You do a superb job presenting your views and you articulate your points very well. One question you might be able to answer, what has become of Mark Bunker? Specifically his documentary “Knowledge Report” Mark posted regularly but as of late I don’t see much nor do I hear anything at all of his film. Keep up the great work.

(7) Has there been a fairly recent report on the condition and whereabouts of Miscavage’s wife?

(8) You seem to always wear T shirts with interesting slogans. For instance, in the video I’m leaving this comment on, you are wearing a black T shirt with white letters that says, “THINK, it’s not illegal yet.” Do you make an effort to find T-shirts with ideas or slogans that hopefully provoke critical-thinking, but in a subtle way that doesn’t treat your audience like morons or ranting about how stupid people are and need to get on board?

1 thought on “Critical Q&A #69”

  1. Really enjoy all of the information you provide(Book blogs questions and answers).
    I am Canadian and there is really no Scientology near me, I understand they do have a presence here but Canada is a big place and thankfully Scientology has not effected anybody I know. I must admit I am one of the “Wogs” lol that thought that Scientologit’s believed in/worshipped aliens. Going clear and searching the Internet has opened my eyes especially every piece of information you have given. I feel that the word “Church” for me gave a totally different impression of what it really is and am sure that’s probably on purpose.
    I feel the need to help I have donated money and support your site, but still I’m the type of person who wants to do something. Not being an American I’m not sure writing letters to a government representative would do very much. What do you suggest people from outside of the United States can do to help the cause.

    Secondly I have taken care of people with disabilities ( Down syndrome,autism etc.) most of my adult life. What do Scientologists believe/handle with this segment of the population? John Travolta’s son Jett had autism and epilepsy and where I don’t know if his son in particular was given the right drugs to properly treat his condition I do know that SSRI’s Prozac being just one of them are needed to properly treat his condition. If Scientologists don’t believe in using these drugs How do they treat these disabilities? Could it be possible that Jetts death was caused by his parents Scientology beliefs and his seizure been Avoided? I know you can not answer this it’s entirely speculative. But would be very sad if this is the case.
    Thank you for your time!!!!

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