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Critical Q&A #160

The weekly show where I answer viewer questions left in the comments sections of my weekly Q&A shows or sent to me by email at This week, the questions I answer are: 

(1) I have read some Scientology stories where the members claim they are both Class XII auditors and OT 7 or OT 8. It seems with the time required for OT 7 and the study requirements on the auditing side, that there are not enough hours in a day to complete this dual ‘certifications’ in less than 50 years, especially redoing the Bridge at some time. Are there ‘shortcuts’ or ‘special deals’ for certain people due to their status?

(2) About two years ago I was looking for a new private school for my 9-year-old. I found one in Orange County, California. I found it on line and it said it had small classes and it looked good to me so I went for a visit to check it out. I toured the school with the administrator, saw the classrooms, met some of the kids. The school was actually housed in a church that was either Catholic or Christian.

Only when I got back to the administrator’s desk to discuss further with her the curriculum and what they teach, did she bring out what looked like a coloring book that had L. Ron Hubbard’s name on it. Then I started looking at the books on the wall next to me and I saw “The Way to Happiness.” There was absolutely no mention of anything Scientology on the website of the school or when I was touring the school. I asked the administrator is this a Scientology school and she said yes. She said that they have children of all faiths at the school but they do teach Scientology principles.

Have you ever heard of this before where there is a Scientology school and they don’t even advertise or mention that it is related to Scientology? Even when I looked at this school on Yelp there was no mention of it. I felt duped and I was very upset that this wasn’t put on their website. I told the administrator that I knew ALL about Scientology and I don’t want any part of it and then I ran right out of her office.

(3) Years ago, my sister went into a Scientology building in Denver and decided to take a class. She was almost finished with it and there was a gal walking around so she told her she wouldn’t be there the next week as she was flying to Portland to visit her family. The gal said,”You can’t do that.” My sister said,”Yes I can.” So the gal went into a little office and huddled with a guy and came back and told her he wanted to talk to her. She went in to see him and he then told her that she had to finish the class and that she wasn’t allowed to go to Oregon. My sister told him she was going and she said to him,”You have no control over me.” She left and never went back and they never tried to contact her. My question is, why would they be so forceful with her when it was just her first class and she hadn’t even had a “win” yet?

(4) So follow up to the 13 March event: how long is the Gala? Clips we have seen are pretty short but I’m assuming, hours? Are people regged at this particular event? Also there’s only so much biographical data on LRH, so do they just recycle old material and repack it? What about the entertainment?

(5) You said that they are “circling the wagons” about lost membership. How is Co$ tightening their grip on their public membership? Can you give a more detailed example as how they are doing this?

(6) As I understand it, Tom Cruise is an OT 8, which is supposed to make you some sort of high-functioning super being who will only see success in life. How then does the Church explain the fact that Cruise has never won an Oscar, considered to be the highest accolade in his field? Do they simply dismiss it as an anti-Scientology conspiracy?

(7) Why can’t victims of fair gaming get restraining orders on Scientology?

(8) You have wisely spoken on how Scientology is, by definition and by its actions, a cult. However, I was wondering is it possible that within Scientology could there be a “cult of personality” towards LRH as well? I am a never-in so I don’t know to what degree LRH was divinized or revered. If there is such a cult of personality with regards to him, was that by design?

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