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Critical Q&A #179

The weekly show where I answer viewer questions left for me in the comments section of my Q&A videos or sent to me by email at This week, the questions I answer are:

(1) I was reading Mike Rinder’s blog this morning & at the end of it he asks, “Don’t these people EVER get sick of the demands for money? Don’t these people ever wonder what happens to all the money they DO give?” That is my question. From what I’ve seen online, it seems like many of the public DO get sick of it and try to fly “under the radar” by not attending events, giving as little as possible, etc. They either still believe in the tech or are trying not to be disconnected, but are there really people who do not know something is wrong, based on the excessive regging? Or are only mildly annoyed but think it’s okay and are still happy to pay for eternity?

(2) How do you start to introduce critical thinking and the dangers of destructive cults (not just Scientology) to kids without scaring or boring them, and how to do you make it seem interesting or attractive? My daughters are 8 and 9 so hopefully I have a while before needing to worry about a cult sucking them in. I want to make them aware & begin to introduce the concept of charlatans & con artists. As you point out, this exists in much more than religion: politics, movies, TV, internet, commercials, etc.

(3) What’s the story behind the official L. Ron Hubbard Biographer? As a kid I was told he was not a Scientologist, as if to say he’s impartial and had no reason to say anything untrue. Who is he if not a Scientologist, or was I misinformed? Is he just not in the Sea Org?

(4) Do you find yourself hypersensitive to environments, words spoken, etc. that remind you of moments of susceptibility? I ask from selfishness; I am and hope I am not alone in looking for an exit when I perceive an environment being manipulated.

(5) Can you explain a little about what happens when someone who has been a Clear is deemed no longer Clear? What reasons are given, who decides, do they take your certificate and Clear bracelet?

(6) Is wifi provided at the complex for its staff and public?

(7) As for the various homes for LRH maintained by Scientology in case LRH decides to return, how is he expected to return? Do Scientologists believe he will materialize in bodily form one day to take up residence, or that he will select a body to be born in and someday show up at a base or an org saying he is LRH?

(8) Chris, what are your favorite podcasts to listen to? Sensibly Speaking and Critical Q&A don’t count.

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