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Critical Q&A #183

The weekly show where I answer viewer questions left for me in the comments sections of my Q&A videos or sent to me by email at This week, the questions I answer are:

(1) Did L. Ron Hubbard actually give lectures in front of a live audience? Did he ever give the same lecture twice or was everything taped? When you listen to him you get the feeling that he comes up with the things on the go. No way he could remember what exactly he was rambling about. In real life, if you give a lecture you have do it again and again yourself and you have to know your stuff. You can not just send a tape for the next audience to listen to. But of course, Hubbard was too busy and important since he was already moved on after each lecture, doing new research. Thoughts?

(2) I heard a former Scientologist say once that when they were being reg’d and had hit their credit card limit that the Registrar would take their credit cards and go make phone calls for a few minutes. More often than not they’d come back having negotiated higher credit limits. One day this person (knowing that in their financial situation most banks wouldn’t even consider giving them more credit) asked the Reg how they managed it and were told that some Scientologists working in banks would often extend a limit if they knew it was paying for Scientology services. In spite of this being extremely poor conduct and something they’d quickly be fired over if they were ever found out, I can imagine how easily the complicit bank employee would justify it to themselves by thinking the card holder would become more able the pay back the debt by doing Scientology. Is this sort of thing widespread in Scientology or a case of that particular Reg having good contacts? Did you ever observe this activity where people who clearly shouldn’t be given credit were? Also isn’t it funny that Scientology, since you know it’s so amazing and all, doesn’t just allow members to put the services on a sort of tab and let them pay it back when they gain all the benefits their supposed to get? But nope they always just seem to want the money up front.

(3) I was watching one of your older Q&A videos (#15, I think it was), and noticed that when I watched a more recent one, your presentation had improved noticeably. Your cadence carried a more natural, relaxed tone to it while still retaining the informative answers, and phrases like “thank you for the good question” were more common. It’s more as if you were talking to an acquaintance as opposed to just someone asking something. In a word: happier! I wanted to ask, if you’ve noticed this yourself, if you think this is a result of one or two things. Would you say it has more to do with just becoming more comfortable with creating video content as a whole, and getting into an established pattern where you can grow and thrive? Or, would you say it has to do with your distancing from Scientology and not having to focus on being “uptone” or what have you, essentially being able to break away from being a prim and proper Sea Org member as more distance is put between you and it?

(4) Was “obnosis” put into play to convince one that he or she didn’t know what was real?

(5) Was curious, how marriages are handled in Scientology. Do they just see a Justice of the Peace and get married, or is there a formal wedding process/procedure laid out in Scientology’s rules and regulations? And, if it is done at the Church, who does it? Is there a designated person or branch that does weddings?

(6) When having doubts about the gibberish, how did you rationalize it? Was that an instant reflex or did you have to think about it for a while?

(7) How is his Holy Lordship Seven dealing with the move? Does your new apartment have his royal ascent yet?

(8) Did you receive a Clear bracelet from the Church of Scientology when you achieved the state of Clear? If so, then do you still have your Clear bracelet and how much would you sell it for?

2 thoughts on “Critical Q&A #183”

  1. I like it! Maybe a silly question but, is this something we already get notices for? Do we need to join—am I already “joined” lol

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