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Critical Q&A #206

The weekly show where I answer viewer questions left for me in the comment section of my Critical Q&A shows or sent to me by email at This week, the questions I answer are:

(1) When I was a kid there was a story in a major magazine that talked about how our skin was covered with little bacteria. I remember my Mom and Dad talking about the fact that there was no way to scrub these bacteria off and they were freaking out. Of course since then, science has realize that these bacteria actually help us. Companies are beginning to realize the importance of this microbiome and are selling products that protect these bacteria, but at the time this first came out, we were all very uncomfortable with the whole idea.

Jumping ahead to Scientology and “body thetans,” I’ve watched a ton of critics and only heard this touched on briefly. Some Scientologists, after being told they’re covered with little disembodied entities that they can’t break free of, lose it. I could see how this might send somebody straight off a cliff since it’s so similar to the microbiome thing. From what I gather, Lisa McPherson may have even had this problem. I’m not a psychiatrist but if somebody gets out of their car, gets completely naked and walks around on the street in traffic, it would make sense that they were trying to get rid of something that’s attached all over their body.

So how do Scientologists accept this without losing their freaking minds? Do most Scientologists, when they’re told this, just go “Oh..okay, cool?” I know that auditing is supposed to remove these body thetans, but from what I understand, it’s a painfully slow process. Why isn’t the freak out so much more extreme? Also, does anyone imagine they could sense these beings on them? Moving around or crawling, like bugs? Or did everybody understand that they were quiet and kept to themselves?

(2) Why don’t Scientologist recognize David Miscavige as a “squirrel”?

(3) Has anyone ever gotten Scientology for free?  The Scientology website FAQ assures the reader that one can be a Scientologist at no cost.  What would really happen if someone showed up at an org and tried to take advantage of this?

(4) I have spent my entire career in business, from engineering to sales to procurement.  I know how difficult it is to specify and purchase material to keep a business running, from buying paper to specifying computer systems and buying or leasing automobiles.  

How in the world does Scientology manage this complex process when it seems to be so heavily bureaucratic, with so many levels of apparent approvals and authority.  Who signs off on purchases, and what are the dollar amounts that get additional scrutiny? Does Miscavige sign off on everything above a certain amount? For example, if a new printing press is needed, or a maintenance contract is needed on an HVAC system, is there a dollar amount that triggers Miscavige approvals? Does he micromanage everything?

Additionally, doesn’t the constant threat of Knowledge Reports written up on each other stifle the Sea Org buyers’ creativity and ability to develop new (but perhaps more cost competitive but unproven) vendors? Are all bids competitive, with a typical three-bid minimum required for compliance reasons? Does Scientology only buy from “Scientology” companies? Are they given preferential vendor status? How are commercial disputes settled? Are they as lawyer-happy with business deals as with SPs?

1 thought on “Critical Q&A #206”

  1. Dear Chris :I’ve written to you before and want to thank you for the prompt response. I have a problem with my subscriptions on utube and other sites, but strangely, only the scn ones. They keep disappearing! Now,I am not very talented at electronics and platforms, but I find it highly suspicious that the only ones disappearing have to do with that particular subject. You, Tony, Jeff, Karen, Mike, Leah and some others have gone away several times and I have to hunt them down to re-subscribe. I’m wondering if others are having problems with this? I have noticed that your subscribers number has jumped way up in the last year or so. Is this still acurate, or have others been unsubscribed against their will? Thank you in advance. Anna

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