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Critical Q&A #223

The weekly show where I answer viewer questions left for me in the comment section of my Q&A videos or sent to me by email at This week, the questions I answer are:

(1) I just watched your video “An Open Message to David Miscavige” and it got me thinking. I understand that OSA monitors the internet for anything negative about Scientology. What happens when they find it? Is OSA the only one who sees it or does Miscavige see it as well? If he does, how much does he see? Do they pass everything up to Miscavige? Do they do some sort of assessment and only pass things that rise to a certain level to him? Does he have a list of some kind that prioritizes what OSA should look for or what he wants to see at the moment? Would they ever not send something up to him to shield him from seeing it? Finally, do you think there is any chance he would have seen your video?

(2) When you were on staff in Minneapolis, where did you live, and with how many people? Were others in the same room? Who paid for meals or cooked? Did you have TV or a vehicle? Could you easily have blown at any time, provided you had enough money?

(3) I notice that religious fundamentalists like Christians and Muslims tend to think in black and white, but they are not the only type of people to do so. Is this black and white thinking built into the DNA of these religions like destruction is built into the DNA of Scientology?

(4) I was re-watching Season 2 of Leah’s show and they showed a policy letter listing suppressive acts and the date of the issue was “23 December 1965RB.” What does the “RB” stand for?

(5) When I was first in Scientology long ago, the mission’s Executive Director was very dictatorial and reminds me a lot of David Miscavige now, but on a smaller scale. Anyone who crossed him was tossed out of the mission and he would attempt to get them declared suppressive (much more difficult in the 70s). How much did/does this occur in the top positions of past and current Orgs?

(6) I am aware of the upcoming court case concerning Jane Doe and more recently from your podcast with Michael Creger.  Do you think the courts are actually listening to ex-Scientologists bringing litigation? Do you feel more positive about the outcome? In a recent podcast with Marci Hamilton you guys talked about bringing abusers in all cults to justice by taking away the religious umbrella they hide under as a form of ‘religious immunity’, but prosecute the individual involved in the crime.  Do you feel this could be the turning point for all litigations brought against Scientology and/or any other cult? If Scientology lose the case against Jane Doe, would this have an impact on their tax exempt status? How would they talk their way out of that?

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