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Critical Q&A #235

This week it’s answers about intolerance, Suppressive People, Scientology popping up in The Kominsky Method and a lot more. Enjoy!

(1) I have noticed that most of the religious people I have met are fairly tolerant but I don’t judge a belief or ideology by the people who practice it. If someone says they are “tolerant” yet believe in eternal torment in Hell fire or eternal destruction, that person is not tolerant despite their friendly demeanor. If a person believes in Hell, they are automatically intolerant and support torturing people who don’t agree with their agenda even though they themselves would never torture someone else. Also there is this idea of thought crimes. When I was a Christian, I felt this intense pressure to obsessively police my thoughts for sin. It was miserable because I felt no matter how hard I tried to meet those standards, I could never reach them. This caused me so much anxiety because I felt I was always doing it wrong. It was through all this I concluded that to believe in Hell makes a person intolerant. Am I justified in thinking that because I have experienced this exact thing?

(2) When you left the Sea Org, how did you feel about not having to wear a uniform? About having to decide for yourself what you wanted to wear? About clothing in general?

(3) In your last Q&A show, you said “never-ins”/non-Scientologists aren’t officially labelled SPs (Suppressive Persons). Yet I would think people like Lawrence Wright, Steven Hassan, Paulette Cooper, maybe even “The Angry Pope” would be on some kind of list of people that active Scientologists should not talk to. Is there a word/label that Scientology uses for people saying things that might cause members to re-think “the tech” besides calling them “wogs”?

(4) Hi Chris! I was watching a video collaboration you recently did and you were explaining the story about what happened to Xenu after he had been captured. My question is why didn’t the “good guys” who captured him release or try and save all us poor souls stuck on a “prison planet”? I mean…that’s just rude. Was that ever explained? I’m so curious! I love your channel and recently became a patreon!

(5) Hi Chris…love your show. Have you watched The Kominsky Method, specifically season 2, episode 8 “A Thetan Arrives”? I thought it was hilarious and was wondering what your thoughts were?

(6) Hi Chris. I’ve been watching your videos for the past several weeks now and have really been enjoying your content. That being said, a few weeks ago I found a Scientology program on TV called Origins of Thought (or something like that) and was curious to see if I would be able to recognize any of the terms/lingo I had learned from your videos. It was an episode about how there isn’t really destruction and how everything is an endless cycle of creation. About 10 minutes in I had to stop watching because I felt like I was about to lose my mind. I was wondering if this experience is common among outsiders when exposed to this type of programming.

1 thought on “Critical Q&A #235”

  1. ZOMG! I sadly can, in fact, imagine the Sea Org being so incredibly cheap that you weren’t even given more than 2 shirts and 1 pair of pants to wear All WEEK in places like LA and Clearwater. It must have been horrible trying to keep them all clean, seriously.

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