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Critical Q&A #247

This week it’s answers about the caste system in Scientology, my thoughts on Star Trek’s latest, some push back regarding Greta Thunberg and a lot more. Enjoy!

This week, the questions I answer are:

(1) From what I recall you did not do any of the OT levels but got pretty high up in the Sea Org. As a Sea Org member, did you “outrank” an OT V or even OT VIII? Or did you have to address them as “yes ma’am/no ma’am” or “yes sir/no sir” since they were shelling out so much money? Or was it the case that there was no status difference since the OTs are not actually “working for” the Church the way you were?

(2) I know you are a Star Wars fan but I am wondering if you also consider yourself to be a Trekkie. Have you seen the new Picard series? If so, what are your thoughts?

(3) Greta Thunberg. It’s plain to see that humanity has had an impact on the ecology of the planet however I do not think the scaremongering done by some (AOC’s 13 years til we’re all dead, springs to mind) does a service to the cause of environmental protection. While I do not intend to disparage any child, I also don’t think any child has much to say of value about anything academic. Thus I would deem anyone lining up behind a child, particularly in something as complex as climate science, to be rather foolish. I believe she is well-intentioned but ultimately ignorant and if one’s goal is to advance a cause, I don’t really see how championing a child (who has yet to finish high school much less the higher education necessary to have an informed opinion on this matter) will help that aim. In a discourse that requires scientific appeal, I see her primarily injecting sentiment and I feel like that’s a disservice as opposed to a boon. Your thoughts?

(4) I have been a nurse for more than 30 years and remember being very nervous when I started around people having mental health problems. In my early years as a nurse I tended to put my focus on the physical being and what I could do to heal the physical ailments. Now I have a very different view as I see the need to treat the whole person: body, mind and spirit. In looking at L. Ron Hubbard I see a person whose physical body was being damaged by his own mind. I really think as an outside observer he went crazy in the end. Am I wrong in thinking this could also happen to David Miscavage? He appears to have begun a spiral that could end in madness. What do you think?

(5) What do Scientologists believe about animals? I know that animals play a part In Scientology’s dynamics but I’m unsure how they factor into the belief system. Do they have thetans and, if so, is it believed they reincarnate? Can they spiritually “evolve” and become human?

(6) How would you react if Donald trump revoked Scientology’s tax exemption? I know this is an extremely unlikely event. I still wouldn’t vote for Trump, but if he took away their tax exemption that would mean he finally got something right for once. What do you think?

(7) Have you heard anything from Shelly, Marty Rathbun or Karin Pouw in the last 12 months?

(8) I noticed you have a tattoo on your left forearm. What is it and is there any significance to it?

1 thought on “Critical Q&A #247”

  1. Wow! Blake’s comment about dismissing a person’s thoughts/opinions/achievements based on their age is laughable. I can say so much but I doubt Blake’s “mature” thought process would be able to handle it. I have to wonder though, how often does Blake utilize Facebook? If I had to wager, I’d place my bet on he is on the platform multiple times a day posting and reading memes. Well Mr. Blake, Facebook, a social media outlet, was thought of and developed by TEENAGERS!! It infuriates me and many others that a “mature” person like Blake dismisses a person and their thoughts/insights based on their age when his “mature” comments summarily disprove his argument.

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