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Critical Q&A #266

This week, it’s answers about Scientology membership, hypnagogia, Pat Broeker, celebrity Scientologists and a lot more. Enjoy!

(1) I’ve been following Scientology for a couple of dozen years now, ever since I read and enjoyed LRH’s book Battlefield Earth in the mid-80s. I’ve read many articles over the years about how Scientology is imploding and shrinking. For the last few years now though, the stories about Scientologists blowing and the numbers going down seem to have dried up. It seems like they have maintained their numbers at between 20K to 25K worldwide for years. My question is, do you think it is possible for Scientology to maintain its Ideal Orgs and other real estate holdings indefinitely with these small numbers of devotees to sell? Do you think it will take another major event like Debbie Cook’s email or the Anonymous protests to cause another sizable exodus?

(2) Why is it that some people can’t just recognize hypnagogia for what it is instead of believing they’ve been visited by ghosts, abducted by aliens or had some sort of vision/premonition? Does it have something to do with people’s family history or their culture or is it more of a psychological issue? Also how prevalent are alien abduction or visitation stories in Scientology?

(3) When Pat Broeker was doing his speech during Hubbard’s memorial event, he talked about a process that Hubbard came up with to prepare for dropping the current body. He did not give very much detail about it, but said that it would be coming. Do you have any knowledge of this process or do you know of anybody that does? My guess is that there are no substantial levels beyond OT8, including this preparing for death process. I would love to see Pat Broeker come forward like Mike Rinder has, if Pat was honest I think he would have some very interesting information about Hubbard’s final years. Do you think he will ever talk? I am guessing he never will.

(4) Do you think that in this day and age that Scientology helps or hinders a celebrity’s ability to find work? I cannot think of anything that celebrities such as Kirstie Alley or Anne Archer have done in the past decade, at least nothing notable. This includes the likes of Marisol Nichols, Giovanni Ribisi, etc. Danny Masterson has been notable as of late, but it’s certainly not for his roles or talent.

(5) How can one recognize an active Scientologist but who does not want to be recognized at, let’s say, a wedding where people meet new people. I belive they can be deceiving when necessary in their optics.

(6) Does the Church of Scientology offer the OT Levels to members of the Nation of Islam? If so, have you heard how members of the NOI react to the Xenu story since the NOI has a similar story surrounding the Yakub character?

(7) Does it bother you to talk about the Church Of Scientology after spending so many years as a member?

(8) The Church of Scientology is not considered a religion in Canada but I do believe they are a registered non-profit. Other than an occasional article about them not paying property taxes, not much makes the media here. How deep are Scientology’s roots in Canada? Have they tried coups here similar to Operation Snow White?

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