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Critical Q&A #272

This week, it’s answers about PTS handlings in Scientology, why the internet is a dangerous place for Scientologists, some talk about COVID conspiracies and a lot more. Enjoy!

(1) I was in two separate car accidents ten years apart, neither of which was my fault and which screwed up my shoulder. If I went into an org or mission, I know the likely result would be that I’d be labeled a Potential Trouble Source (PTS). But if I’m not a full-blown Scientologist yet, how would an auditor or staff try to determine who the Suppressive Person (SP) is that I must be connected to? Or would they go that far until I was well into courses and coughing up the big bucks?

(2) The Church of Scientology instructs its followers not to go on the internet and not to believe anything you read there as it’s all false. Yet they publish websites attacking their critics on the very medium they tell their own is full of lies. The ex-SCN community are brutally vilified by what is clearly one-sided allegations that are dubious at best and downright lies at worst. I’ve seen your badge of honour Chris and you even get to appear in other “apostates” websites as being one of their accolades, well done you! Clearly you and the other ex-Scientologists are landing hits as otherwise they wouldn’t bother trying to discredit you all. How can they reconcile this blatant hypocrisy?

(3) In my locality, adherence to mitigation guidelines such as mask wearing and social distancing seems to be less in lower income areas. As a fan of psychology, sociology and a critical thinker I was wondering if you have any insight as to why this is occurring. 

(4) There are some pamphlets put out by the newsstands near metro stations in DC by Scientology advertising Dianetics. The format is like a very small newspaper. The graphic design is very nice but the contents are full of the usual Scientology vagueness and hyperbolic testimonials. What kind of program runs the distribution of such pamphlets?

(5) What do you think about dealing with people who believe conspiracy theories? For example, a recent study showed more than 40% of Republicans believe that Bill Gates plans to use the COVID vaccine to inject microchips into people. There’s tons of other conspiracy theories lately, of course, and I feel like it might be wise to deal with these people in a similar way to people who are in a cult – be respectful, try to understand where they’re coming from, and slowly try to poke holes in their beliefs. I’ve just been frustrated lately by people who are ostensibly somewhat smart but have also totally bought into all the crazy conspiracy theories out there. Any thoughts?

(6) Do you think Hubbard was jealous of the “Star Wars” success? Perhaps he thought “my stories are far better than that! Hollywood should look into my novels!”

(7) What are the titles of the books behind you?

(8) What is the easiest OT level to do? Timewise, difficulty level, financially etc.?

1 thought on “Critical Q&A #272”

  1. Hi Chris,

    here is my (flash) question:

    Do you see a connection between the volcano in the book Dianetics and OT3?

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