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Critical Q&A #273

This week, it’s answers about how Hubbard conducted research, pro-LGBT beliefs in Scientology, critical thinking in society and a lot more. Enjoy!

(1) A lot has already been asked and commented about Scientology and homophobia, prompted by L. Ron Hubbard’s texts and so by this point it’s known that whenever Scientologists seem to vouch for the LGBT community, they’re only doing it for the PR. However, I have recently witnessed quite a few cases on social media, where various Scientologists would actively share or post things in favor of LGBT rights. And I don’t mean posts that reference the work of a Scientologist actor or something along those lines, but rather just choosing to share their seemingly personal opinions supporting LGBT. 

In the past, I’ve learned that in the rare cases where the CoS is asked where they stand in this matter, the official line would either be “everybody is equal in our eyes” or “we don’t take a stand in this matter, it’s irrelevant”. So then it seems that passively, yes, when a Scientologist is cornered with this issue, he/she would claim to be supportive, but what would you make of a Scientologist who actively chooses to express a supportive opinion?

Is it at all possible that in recent years there’s been a slight reform for the better with this issue? Or is it more cynical, along the lines of “ok guys, we have to attract positive attention, let’s send out some rainbow love”?  Alternatively, if the social media posts are a brave Scientologist’s individual action, is he/she bound to get in trouble for that?  

(2) How would Hubbard know what happened millions of years ago? How could any one person report on that? I don’t understand how he could say these preposterous things and people wouldn’t ask how he knows that.

(3) Do you think there’s evidence that people who are in a lower economic situation are better critical thinkers? People wrongly assume that someone’s economic/educational situation decides a person’s true intellect so do you think that people in these situations have to think critically because they have been in abusive situations (maybe in a job role) or have been conned or know actual scammers? Obviously scammers are rife through all levels of society and probably more prevalent in higher echelons.

(4) Do you see a connection between the volcano in the book Dianetics and OT 3?

(5) Why doesn’t Scientology buy their own island? That way they’d avoid taxes, government interference, etc. going back to their Sea Org roots. Why do they bother with Missions and Orgs and Sea Org bases anymore? Is it for the “convenience” of their adherents? They aren’t gaining or keeping many adherents by being in other countries. It seems Scientology and the rest of the world would be happier if Scientology bought their own island and did their own thing.

(6) What do Scientologists believe about fluoride? Do they believe in fluoridation conspiracy theories?

(7) Why do you think that the US appears to have more home-grown cults than the UK

(8) I was wondering, are there any songs that when you hear them, remind you of your experience with Scientology?

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