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Critical Q&A #274

This week it’s answers about the RPF, how to deal with the stress of people and everyday living, can Sea Org members be radicalized and a lot more. Enjoy!

(1) I really enjoyed the thorough podcast you did on the RPF but I have a question that you didn’t cover. You said that many people don’t make it through and leave the Sea Org instead. How does that work? Is it like routing out or something else? Can they still be in Scientology?

(2) I’ve seen interviews where Mike Rinder referred to the RPF as a wonderful programme of something for people who are stressed at their job. Would he have known the full horrors of the RPF at that time and was just forced to tow the party line? And what is the general awareness of RPF conditions within the Scientology public? 

(3) I have a couple semi-related questions regarding underage Sea Org members. 1) When someone who is still within the compulsory school attendance age range joins the Sea Org, how does Scientology get around those pesky truancy laws? and 2) Would someone as young as 15 or so actually end up in the RPF for infractions deemed worthy of such a punishment? Is there a minimum age for that? What about The Hole? And did you ever know of someone being on the RPF at a very young age?  I’ve read that children are not seen as children in Scientology, so my guess is that the age of the individual would not come into consideration. I certainly hope I’m mistaken, but somehow I doubt it. Thanks!

(4) As someone who deals with all manner of toxic commentary, varying attitudes and just generally awful people, how do you let some steam off the valve? Or better yet, what is your recommendation for how to deal with the smoldering, contempt and anger that builds below the skin from dealing with this kind of thing? I too am working from home now, taking calls for a certain television/internet/wireless phone company and I suspect that we deal with similar struggles in our daily occupations (tech support these days ought to be considered a high risk occupation for stress related health problems!) 

(5) You have described members of the Sea Org as the most “devout and fanatical” followers of Scientology and the Sea Org as a whole has been described by some as the “paramilitary wing” of the COS. How many of these “fanatics” do you think would carry out acts of violence against the general public if ordered to by David Miscavige? Do you think the Sea Org could potentially turn into a violent paramilitary terrorist force if the COS adopts a much more extremist or fundamentalist viewpoint after Miscavige’s death? 

(6) Is there any official explanation or popular consensus on what really counts as clearing the planet?  I get the impression that it is not necessary for every possible person on the planet Earth to be cleared in order for the “planet” to be cleared.  I understand  that, even in terms of the official position, the Co$ doesn’t really claim to prioritize clearing SPs or people without the money to pay for services.  So do these people have to be cleared as part of the endgame before the goal of “Clearing the Planet” is achieved?   Or would it be sufficient to achieve something more restricted, like an entire planet run by Clears, where all government, social services, and economic institutions are subordinate to Scientology?

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