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Critical Q&A #282

This week, it’s answers about “missed withholds” in Scientology, my rather direct thoughts on no-knock warrants, the “People of Praise” and a lot more. Enjoy!

(1) I watched your interview with Chrstian Szurko and had a question about “missed withholds”. I’ve never heard that term. What did LRH say about them in the Scientology scriptures, what are they and why are they so damaging to people?

(2) What are your thoughts on no-knock versus knock-and-announce when it comes to SWAT teams and drug raids?  I, for one, think everything should be done the knock-and-announce way. I don’t do or sell drugs but I do own firearms and I do keep one loaded and stored safely near my bed.  If someone gave the police my address either by mistake or on purpose and they busted in without announcing themselves first, I would be dead.  How are we to know it’s police knocking down the door at 3 am? It’s hard to concentrate and clear your head after being jolted out of a deep sleep so I fully understand people mistaking police for intruders. 

(3) Just recently discovered your podcast – having grown-up in a conservative Christian family here in Australia, I have been interested in your discussions. With all the chaos currently happening in the US – and the SCOTUS replacement – Amy Barrett’s membership of ‘People of Praise’ is coming under scrutiny. Has anyone closely examined this group as to whether it’s a cult or maybe just has cult-like philosophies?

(4) How varied are the experiences in the TRs? Do Scientologists openly talk about how variable the supposedly uniform concepts are?

(5) What was Hubbard’s rationale for setting this up and requiring them to always be “upstat?” It seems bizarre to me that weekly statistics would be incorporated into any sort of spiritual practice. Are upstat statistics used to create the illusion that Scientology is growing to members? Does requiring rising statistics help ensure that Sea Org and staff work hard to disseminate Scientology? Also, I’ve read that students in Scientology also have to be upstat. Does this apply to all public, or is it just for those training to be auditors? 

(6) Are Scientologists generally “environmentally friendly” such as recycling or being conscious of these things?

(7) Hey Chris. Is there any correlation between the Sea Org symbol and the Seal of the State of Texas? They are very similar. It’s the same seal Texas used as a republic and I was wondering if the sovereignty from the USA Texas had at one time may have inspired LRH, and since he also desired sovereignty, he adopted a similar symbol. Any thoughts?

(8) It seems like many of the former Sea Org guests you’ve had on the show have spent time on the RPF.  Is it ‘normal’ for Sea Org members to have been on the RPF?  Did you know many members that hadn’t spent time there?

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