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Critical Q&A #321

This week I answer questions about Sea Org members who are OT, what happens to senior citizens, my take on Transcendental Meditation and a lot more. Enjoy!

(1) How does your position up the Bridge affect you in the Sea Org? I believe I heard you mention that the Sea Org don’t really recruit people already high up on the Bridge (on the OT levels), probably because it is better for the church that they are paying money for their courses rather than earning 50 bucks a week. You also mentioned that when you were staff and in the Sea Org, even though all your courses and auditing were free, you never had time to do them. However some Sea Org members must get to OT. They are the ones who deliver the OT Levels at the Advanced Orgs, Flag and on the Freewinds, so surely they must be OT themselves. Also to work in “sensitive” areas like OSA and RTC, I expect they would be well up The Bridge. Are they kids of rich public who put their children through the OT levels at a young age? Are they selected based on their dedication or knowledge of the tech or something else? It seems some people join the Sea Org and slave away at some lowly post for decades, while others will hot-shot to the top to be personal envoys of Miscavige (until he throws them in The Hole). How does this all work?

(2) The Sea Organization is made up of the most fervent and dedicated followers of Scientology and as a result they have dedicated their lives to Scientology earning a mere  pittance working crazy hours for virtually no income at all. Eventually these individuals will become infirm and unable to contribute to do Scientology and at that point what happens to them? Do they just dump them somewhere or is there a scheme to take care of these people?

(3) Do you have any insights on Transcendental Meditation? I think it was John Atack who said it is as fraudulent as Scientology. Oddly enough the reason I know about it is from Howard Stern. He swears that it fixed his mental health. The thing is, it’s not a religion and it doesn’t cost money. I’m assuming it’s just kind of daydreaming your way out of bad thoughts. I haven’t been able to find a lot of information about it online that would really satisfy my curiosity so I was wondering if you had your own take on it. 

(4) Can you please explain GPMs?

(5) Of all the criticism that is directed at L. Ron Hubbard on various websites, one thing that surprises me is how few people comment on how poor an author L. Ron Hubbard was. Near the beginning of “Dianetics”, Hubbard poses the following question: “What is the goal of thought?” Despite the question’s obvious ambiguity, I can recall reading onward with eager anticipation of getting some insight into this question. For the remainder of the book, he did not even indirectly return to this question. I have this vision of Sea Org members burning the midnight oil in their dormitories engaging in exegetic discourse, debating the possible meaning of such rhetorical questions. Am I right?

I read his book “Fear” (1941). I couldn’t believe how shallow and one-dimensional those characters were. Here’s a bit of irony. In the book, the main character slips into a vortex and loses 4 hours of his life. By chance, it took me 4 hours to read the book. And like the main character, I want those 4 hours back too! 

(6) In your latest Q&A you talk about thetans coming into the universe at different times. Did Hubbard ever say where the thetans come from?

(7) I wondered if you were fair gamed when you left the Church? Also is there someone or a process to determine who is fair gamed and who is not?

(8) How did you and Melissa meet? Was she ever involved in Scientology?

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