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Critical Q&A #357

This week it’s answers about implant stations on Venus, a very complete rundown on core Scientology philosophy (believe me, you won’t get this deep level of explanation anywhere else), Hubbard’s “borrowing” from earlier sources and a lot more. Enjoy!

(1) At what point, if ever, do Scientologists hear Hubbard talking about implant stations on Venus and Mars? I have never been clear as to when Scientologists hear the lectures in which Hubbard describes almost being hit by a freight train on Venus, which for some reason strikes me as even more ridiculous than the Xenu story.

(2) Against my better judgment, I listened to a couple of LRH Phoenix lectures. Besides the fact that none of it made sense at all, he brought up several terms that you may have covered, but still aren’t clear to me. He talked about “persistence” and “particles” and “moving through space” as well as “isness” and “not-isness” or “alter-isness” and how people change who they are to fit into persistence and isness. Can you give us a brief primer on those terms?

(3) Much has been made over the years of the enormous amount of plagiarism that Hubbard borrowed from other sources whilst inventing both Dianetics and Scientology.. Can you speak to the extent of his plagiarism and from what I gather it was rampant but I would appreciate your take on this matter as I’m sure all Scientologists firmly believe that the entire concept was 100% developed by Hubbard himself.

(4) Always enjoy the Critical Clips segments, and learning about your first hand experience with the “Church.”  One observation I find interesting is your astute recognition of how complicated LRH was as a real person. For example, he was a prolific writer, etc., but also a con man, charlatan, and megalomaniac. You recognize the impact (for better or worse) that he had on others. My question: If LRH came back in the flesh and you had five minutes to spend with him, how would you spend it? If there was no possibility of repercussions, what would you say to him? Would you compliment him on his ability to create a religion out of nothing, ask him about OT 09 and above, criticize him for all the abuses, etc.,, something in between? Is there ANYTHING he could say to you that would make you return to the cult?  No more disconnection, no more regging, no more COB?

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