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Critical Q&A #361

This week, I offer my most in-depth discussion yet of Scientology’s mythology, discuss the bigger issues behind why “stupid people” are hard to talk to (and what this has to do with us) and a lot more. Enjoy!

(1) In one lecture, LRH mentioned thetans, the “obscene dog” and incident 1. What is the obscene dog and how does that lead to incident 1?

(2) There is a growing body of research linking vulnerability to conspiracy theories with cognitive difficulties arising during childhood. To oversimplify, people who can’t think well think poorly. Clearly, we can’t exclude people from the public discourse simply because they are cognitively impaired through no fault of their own. But how does one discuss complicated things with people who think poorly without seeming patronizing? Perhaps there are things we can learn from special education teachers? Any other ideas?

(3) Could you explain what the “Sunshine Rundown” is and what it’s supposed to accomplish? Is it a required or elective part of Scientology’s Bridge to Total Freedom?

(4) When Mike Rinder and Marty Rathbun were still in the church, how did the staff and Sea Org view them? Were they held in high regard and admired somewhat similar to how David Miscavige is viewed? Were they feared somewhat?

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