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Critical Q&A #85

The weekly show where I answer questions from viewers left in the comments section of my Q&A shows or sent by email to This week, the questions I answer are:

(1) If (according to Scientology) the state of Clear persists into future lives, would the same happen with the OT levels? Has the church (or would the church) ever recognise someone as a past-life OT? If I joined and started ‘recalling’ the Xenu story in an auditing session, what do you think would happen (presumably if the auditor hasn’t reached OT 3 they couldn’t react to that without admitting they have read the OT materials)?

(2) I was curious about what is happening behind the scenes here at the Sacramento Ideal Org. After months of being in the middle of a major construction zone, the ideal org is now luckily placed right next to the brand spanking new Golden 1 Arena where there is now plenty of opportunity to body route concert goers and sports fans. At the same time, there has a recent glut of Dianetics billboards in the Sacramento metropolitan area (I seriously cannot turn a corner without seeing one). My question is, was Sacramento Ideal org staff placed in a constant condition of liability for the inability to keep stats up during construction, and how much trouble will they be in if the stats don’t go straight up and vertical now that the arena is open and the billboards are ubiquitous?

(3) Question: You just died. Scientology is true. What now? As in your thoughts and action/reaction. Same question, but you died a believer in the Sea Org.

(4) I have recently had a contact with a Scientologist through personal emails. I opened up and talked with her as if she was my friend. I’ve received a printed letter per post from a Scientologist who is responsible for the recruiting a few days later. He wrote me that he noticed I was in contact with his colleague, so he thought maybe I would like to join Scientology. I wrote her many different reasons why I am not interested in Scientology any more. I also sent her a link to your blog and she just replied me: “This link which you sent me just represents a criminal. I can see he has bad intentions. Scientology has saved my life.” Does Scientology have the right to check members’ personal emails or can I assume it was harrasment?

(5) I was wondering why you make a distinction between Catholics and Christians? You’re not the only one who seems to separate Catholics and Christians as if they were two different things, that have widely different beliefs. I’ve noticed the talking heads on the TV news do it, journalists in print media do it as well. Catholics are indeed Christians too. To use a twist on a common phrase, “Not all Christians are Catholics, but all Catholics are Christians.” Just curious is all. Thanks for all you do on this channel and reading my question.

(6) You write in your book how L. Ron Hubbard left a provision in his will that only a tax exempt organisation could inherit his assets, including his valuable Copyrights and Trademarks to Scientology materials. So how did Scientology run between LRH’s death in 1986 and being granted tax exemption in 1993 when it owned no rights to its own materials?

(7) Just wondering, with the new President coming in, is anyone outside of the Cult doing anything or contemplating any actions to get tax exempt status taken from Scientology? How much money could the U.S. make up if Scientology were paying their fair share? If they were to be called on the table and made to pony up, would it virtually shut the group down in no time?

(8) Hi Chris. Guess what. I have suddenly started receiving Freedom magazine, addressed to me personally, at my work address. I am wondering if Scientology trolls got my name because I comment on things like your videos and I post stuff about Scientology sometimes on my Facebook page. In fact, I am sure of it. What do you think?

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