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Instituting Something Good

Faulkner quote


First, A Personal Update

I know it’s been a little while since I’ve posted anything and before I get into the main subject of my article, I thought I’d give a little personal perspective on what I’ve been up to that’s kept me away.

Like TV shows in each new season, characters come back a little older and a little wiser from the lessons of the previous season and are usually  refreshed and ready to take on the new challenges offered by the show’s writers.Read More »Instituting Something Good


Live and Let Die: Why Criticize Scientology?


Why Criticize Scientology?

When I was a part of the Church of Scientology and in the Sea Org, I always used to wonder about people who attacked Scientology. I wondered what motivated them; why did they seem so passionate about what they were doing. Why couldn’t they just leave well enough alone? Wasn’t it enough that they didn’t like it and left? Couldn’t they just leave us Scientologists alone to practice our religion in peace? Why did they have to spend so much time and effort going out of their way to write blog articles, be interviewed by the press, write books and even make whole movies about how bad the Scientology experience was? In other words, couldn’t they just live and let live?Read More »Live and Let Die: Why Criticize Scientology?