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Critical Q&A #12

The twelfth installment of my question-and-answer video show, where I take up questions subscribers and commenters have asked me in my videos and answer them as best I can. Questions answered in this video:

(1) During 2008-2010, Anonymous protests were relatively frequent and popular worldwide. Would you describe what it was like being in the church during this movement? Have you picketed Scientology churches since leaving?

(2) You have talked about the abuse of power in Scientology. Most of the other documentaries and web casts about Scientology, and any cult/mind control organization talk a lot about the abuse of power, the kind of abuse that pops up all the time in any organization where someone has power over someone else, the kind we hear about in sports programs, the military, corporate boardrooms, summer camps, high schools and colleges: sexual harassment. Ex-members talk about all the horrible degrading things L. Ron Hubbard, David Miscaviage and/or their lieutenants manipulated and pressured them into doing, but none of them ever say what I kept expecting them to say. They never bring up anyone trying anything sexual on them. Has this happened in Scientology?

(3) I’ve seen this “pattern” that the Church of Scientology has with overwork/tiredness, a false veneer, separation from children, etc, throughout other harmful groups even in mainstream society. Do you notice these similarities? Also, it seems to me that generally people in Scientology put on a happy facade and that in a way, they’re not allowed to express freely what they feel. Could you please share in your opinion what the general culture in Scientology was like?

(4) There are a couple of different definitions for atheism floating around right now, and some self-identified atheists can get pretty butthurt if you try to use a definition other than their favorite. I can totally appreciate your desire to not step in the middle of that. I’m not really happy with your use of the word knowledge, though. The implication that you must have absolute certainty in order to claim knowledge doesn’t really fly with my understanding of skepticism/rationality. To a skeptic, certainty is practically a swear word, innit?

(5) I know you have said you achieved the state of Clear during the years you were in.  I have been curious though as to why you never reached or achieved any OT Levels.  Was it because of a common reason I’ve heard about, that members in the Sea Org are just so busy with “upping their stats” and working the majority of their time, that they just don’t have any extra time to spare for themselves, going up the Bridge? Or did you just not have the desire to do those actions?

(6) Love your videos. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. I noticed that a number of exes struggle with a duality of some type of recovery or continuum thereof (shame, guilt, anxiety, etc.) and arrogance. The former is not unexpected. What I am often surprised by is a seemingly arrogant attitude many exes carry whether newly out or decades later. Now, certainly this is not unique to this group, but I wonder if this is something that is a residual effect of the Church’s insistence that Scientologists are a new species and the only ones who can save the world. Will you speak to the duality and possible resolution of this dichotomy?

(7) My question to you is when Scientologists are being audited how far back have you heard a Scientologist remember? The Sea Org has a billion year contract, so I would assume there are some real tales told. Did you ever get audited and have a past life memory? Why is it so hush-hush about these past lives? I noticed that it is a no-no in Scientology to speak of these (or maybe I am wrong). Glad you enjoyed Toronto and I hope to attend next year.

(8) Scientologists – both former and current – seem to all be very comfortable with letting the profanities fly freely. Have you noticed the same thing or am I imagining it? Did it just end up that way for no clear reason?

(9) I have heard people comment that they were afraid of loosing their eternity if they left. Other than these comments I had not heard Scientology mention salvation, eternity, just personal betterment, increased personal power, etc. How does losing one’s eternity come in? What specifically makes people think they are saving the world? What do you see in the organization that makes you think you are saving the world?

(10) Chris, you’re out now. You’re free. I’m sure you have a job, branching out into other topics and subjects, etc. Now that your life has clearly moved on, what do you notice the most (comparing your former Sea Org life to now)? Your freedom? Your daily routine? Perhaps friends or financial?

5 thoughts on “Critical Q&A #12”

  1. It might be worth while to let readers know what WOG actually stands for – WORTHY ORIENTAL GENTLEMAN.

    1. …that would be, of course, a separately numbered definition.
      The thing to be aware of is that Scientology has its own language.
      Using it soon traps you into conversations that exclude humanity except for Scientologists.
      Girders on the trap. Pretty soon after being on the inside, the only possible future, “choice” you can see is to sign the billion year contract;
      – that is what the language is designed to let you “know”.

  2. Hi Chris! Thank you so much for your time and for the enthusiasm you emanate in each one of your videos. I love them! I admire the way you are recovering in each area of your life, after 27 years in the bubble of that horrible cult. You are a great inspiration!!! Excellent work!! Greetings from the San Francisco Bay Area!!

  3. 41 years ago, the world was a different place.
    I was 18.
    I had been on my own a couple of years, was basically forced to run away from my crazy mother, fell in love and broke up with Debbie inside of about four months and, then, one day, I was confronted by a Scientology disseminator at the campus duck pond, University of Calif at Davis, who indeed was offering me salvation from my broken heart and… certainty.
    “…starts with the Communication course.” he said.
    Yes, certainty.
    That led to Life Repair. Cost my unemployed arse $1,500, in 1973 dollars. But, at the end of it, I was actually blissfully happy one moment, after some realization during auditing about Debbie and, presto, I was a Life Repair completion.
    Trapped, little did I know.
    Now, I was invested. Now, I was eager, truely excited about going Clear, doing whatever I could to help as many others go clear as well. I had to make it work… it was soon all I knew… and so it began.
    And I was so, so “certain”.
    Reading LRH four hours every day left little time for reading anything else, ever, and I would become more certain with each passing day, “knowing” I had the key to my own salvation.
    Of course, what happened up there at the gates of Clear and beyond was kept tightly secret.
    This bit about Xenu didn’t come out till whenever it was (around 1990) when someone broke in to the Copenhagen Org posing as Sea Org and, in the white military uniforms and all, in broad daylight, walked out with the actual text, original hand of THE SOURCE himself, LRH, and there it was in print for all the world to see Xenu the galactic warlord who enslaved the Universe…
    This was knowledge of the hightest order; it came with the warning that reading it would probably make you head explode.

    All of it is crap, of course. Clear, OT, engrams and eMeters revealing the harm created in traumatic past lives… Really belongs in a science fiction novel, or maybe a handbook on how to create a cult of devoted followers. That is the big lie… the difference between what Scientology promises, salvation, and what it will immediately deliver to last as long as you believe your own critical thinking is less important than the creed of Scientology, a faux-religion whose only true gift to you, the individual, would be servitude.
    Is, I mean to say:
    All Scientology really offers is servitude… the polar opposite of salvation, in fact.
    This lie was exposed by the internet, and thank goodness for that. Now we have the testimonies of ex-Scientologists, some very high up, some related to the highest up, even close relatives to the all-powerful leader David Miscavige, (his father, for instance) -these are the people who can give you the real truth.
    Today, we as a culture have advanced our awareness. We have entered the information age, and deciet and false agendas can no longer pass themselves off as higher knowledge when, clearly they are not.

    And so this “church” is coming to its inevitable demise.
    And the rest of us can enjoy the knowledge of knowing how important Critical Thinking really is,
    not to mention what it really is… We owe it to the Universe to keep asking these questions.
    Thank you.

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