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Critical Q&A #49

The weekly show where I answer questions left in comments on my Q&A videos or sent by email at Thsi week, the questions I answer are:

(1) Chris, I like to hear the minutiae of processes so could you give any fun or absurd examples you experienced of “Rollbacking” and/or the “Truth Rundown” that may illuminate dynamics between passing-the-buck to the source of entheta someone does a KR on, and the self-blame game?

(2) Chris, what differences, if any, have you seen between people who joined Scientology as an adult, young children who were brought into Scientology via their parents joining and those born into Scientology? Is it the same for those born into and those who were young children when their parents joined? And also if you have any observations any differences between the 3 groups as ex-Scientologists… in terms of recovery ease or difficulty, letting go of the cult… ability or desire to speak out publicly, ability to lead a happy, fulfilled life beyond Scientology? Any thoughts? Thanks and LOVE this series.

(3) I’m fascinated with what aspects of pop culture you may have missed while you were in Sea Org. Were you able to watch TV shows?Listen to the radio? Go the movies? Did you miss all of the music of the ’90s? Did you know about the OJ Simpson trial? Did you miss the 911 attack on the World Trade Center? The Columbia Space Shuttle Explosion? Monica Lewinsky?

(4) Do most Scientology members live in these buildings because most of them work almost all the day? You said that the salary is just few dollars so how do they buy food, clothes and all that stuff? Does Scientology give support so the members don’t look like poor people for PR?

(5) Tom Cruise and Kirstie Alley are clear examples of the ‘upper echelon’ of what a serious Scientologist is made of. Tom Cruise is likely working on his fourth marriage while Kirstie Alley seems to have an on-going battle with her weight in the arena of Hollywood. If I were to ask this question to a serious Scientologist, what would they say? “How can two of the most prominent and ‘clear’ Scientologists battle with everyday problems that people who have never even experienced the C of S easily maintain and overcome?” Many people can overcome a weight issue. Some people who have never read Dianetics have been married for 30 years or more. How positive and constructive can the CoS really be?

(6) Hey Chris, I was just wondering , when you were traveling around recruiting for the Sea Org, where did you stay in each town? I mean in California, you would stay in orgs I suppose? When on the road did you stay in that cities org? I constantly have the image of you in my mind from one video when you and a woman (don’t remember who she was) were getting out of a car and you were buttoning your jacket with a huge smile on your face. You looked so happy lol.

(7) On the issue of all the personal information that Scientology is keeping on ex members, has anyone ever tried to get their records from the church? I can imagine the trouble if someone sued to have all their case files turned over to them so they could have it or destroy it. But wouldn’t that be an individual’s right if they had left the organization? Has anyone ever tried to do that that you know of?

2 thoughts on “Critical Q&A #49”

  1. Chris, everyone seems to be joyously looking forward to the release of Ron Miscavige’s book. I sincerely hope that it gets to the ‘nitty-gritty’ of the cult and his son. After all,that is what concerns most onlookers. I have read most relevant books on the cult, I,m still waiting on the delivery of yours,and the Jenna Miscavige book was the most disappointing. Scott Tweedie

  2. Chris, Would I be correct in assuming that the general run of the mill $cientologist is simply a telemarketer of sorts for the upper echelon of the cult? Scott Tweedie

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