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Critical Q&A #5

The fifth installment of my question-and-answer video show, where I take up questions subscribers and commenters have asked me in my videos and answer them as best I can. Questions in this video:

(1) What an excellent video – I would urge anyone still in to watch it – there can be no harm in listening to someone who has actually been a Scientologist for many years give his perspective on the church. What I always find hard to understand is how any Scientologist can accept being told not to watch, listen or read things that may challenge Scientology doctrine. Surely this is all part of gaining personal freedom, which is what Scientology is supposed to be about. How does any Scientologist reconcile that, as a member? I ask because when I did the Dianetics course, I got downgraded for thinking for myself. I was told only to write what it said in the book. I instantly stopped doing any more courses because I realized that I was therefore not going to be allowed to be self-determined, and I saw this as hypocrisy because I was told Scientology was all about making you more self determined.

(2) Aaaand I thought of another question/issue – non CO$-related – that I’d love to hear you tackle. In the pagan/Earth-centered traditions, there’s been some influx of some truly stupid, mentally damaging ideas lately, such as the “Law of Attraction” (where everything – good or bad – that happens to you is due to the “vibrations” of your thoughts) and the even more sickening conceit that we choose our parents in some “between life” station – which is a direct slap in the face to anybody born into adverse circumstances. Care to tackle the wooly thinking of the New Age Sheeple? my simple, tree-hugging religion is going down the toilet due to these infectious ideas…

(3) Great idea for the new series. Your vast font of knowledge and insight is perfect for the Q&A format. My question has to do with the OT III mythology — in accord with LRH’s “scientific” findings, when a body thetan is audited off a Scientologist’s body where does it go? Does it fly around looking for another body to leech onto? Does it have a preference for Scientologist or wog bodies?

(4) Love watching your videos Chris well done. I found you due to my somewhat obsession with learning everything there is to know about Scientology. I’ve never studied LRH or his writing but I find cults very interesting and perplexing. My question is more about faith in general. Do you think organized religion, whatever it may be is helpful or more hurtful to our society? I think spirituality is important for our souls. I’m not going to tell people what they should or shouldn’t believe but from my viewpoint organized religions are hypocritical and use faith to further their agendas, and have lead to the death of millions. I’m curious to hear what your opinion might be…

(5) Hi, Chris. There is a video somewhere of you and a woman in your SO uniforms getting out of a car and walking. I think this was during a raid on a Church of Scientology. Wondering what your thoughts were at the moment? Crazy m-fers? Ignore them? Just a bunch of SPs? Hmmm, wonder what they’re so upset about? etc.

(6) Here’s my question: Would you say that you were brainwashed when you were in Scientology? I mean the literal definition of brainwashed. If so, how were they able to brainwash you, when you are clearly an independent thinker and very logical and analytical??? I know you wanted to help people. But it had to be more than that.

(7) Weren’t you in Minneapolis when the Ideal Org there opened up? What was the thinking behind acquiring such an ENORMOUS building (a former museum, if I recall correctly)? Didn’t it seem suspicious when the org did not start filling up with thousands of public eager to go “up the bridge”? I would think it must be very discouraging for a handful of staff to be rattling around inside a massive structure…

10 thoughts on “Critical Q&A #5”

  1. Another great video, Chris. Many thanks. I’ve saving them all because I’m intending to get someone out (if I can). I believe your videos will speak volumes.

  2. I like your objectivity, Chris. I myself don’t have specific questions now but enjoy those asked and answered. I learn, too.

    I”m out, went up to “Clear” but stopped short of the OT levels and am so glad I did!

    I’ve unravelled relatively quickly but have ordered a book about cults and how they entrap, to make sure there are not any or many more traps I’m in with regard critical thinking that I’m unaware of.

  3. Hi Chris,
    Thanks for your courage and integrity in shining the light of reason on these controversial and complicated topics. I am interested in hearing more about your process of applying critical thinking to letting go of false beliefs and cult-like thinking. How do you cope with some of the emotional ramifications of finding out that you have been deceived or that what you once believed is not true?

    It seems that with all the buzz about Scientology going on right now, this might be a good time to let others know that similar mind-control programs are being run by many other new age self-help groups and gurus.
    Here are just a few related groups that I can think of several right off the bat:

    est – Werner Erhard
    Landmark Forum
    Access Consciousness
    Sedona Method/Releasing – Lester Levinson
    Da Free John aka Adi Da aka Franklin Jones
    Eckankar – Paul Twitchell
    Re-evaluation Counseling – Harvey Jackins
    Idenics – Mike Goldstein
    Jack Horner – Dianology, Church of Spiritual Freedom, Personal Spiritual Freedom Foundation, Eductivism
    Charles Manson – Manson family
    Process Church of Final Judgment

    Any comments on some of these other Scientology spinoff groups?

    Thanks again.

    1. Clarification: I guess that’s really two questions above: 1) How do you deal with the emotional impact of discovering you’ve been deceived or have believed things that are not true? and 2) What do you think about some of the Scientology spinoff groups and related new age self help groups that use similar mind controlling thought-stopping techniques?

      Thanks again for all your cogent insights.

  4. Hey Chris,
    Really appreciate your videos. Cheers!
    In regards to ” decompression ” when a person gets out, what sort of things have you heard people go through?
    I found that the formal Communication Cycle- with the drilled into me acknowledgements, like good, fine, okay etc.. were very robotic and unfortunately part of me. I’ve been out for 23 years, and it’s only of recent times that I don’t care if anyone doesn’t acknowledge me all the time when communicating with them. I use to always fish for their acknowledgements as I felt that the ” dirty needle ” phenomena would upset me a little bit, and think that this would accumulate. Nowadays, I deliberately don’t use their formal patter acknowledgements , just to get away from the Scientology thinking. I’ve had to work on it. It was a real head f***.
    I’ve only started looking about a year ago. Waking up in recent times, just wiping the sleep out of my eyes. I had no interest in viewing any sites that had any negativity. Gee I’m glad now that I found them. Any thoughts on my situation, or any observations on others?
    All the best mate!

  5. I have many times defended Scn’s right to believe whatever they want and that we should focus only on shining the light on and stopping the actual abuses. For that I have taken flack from those who would ban Scn outright because, they point out, it is the teachings and the beliefs that LEAD TO the abuse and criminality. To stop the abuse, would it make sense to try to stop the beliefs or teachings of Hubbard? I don’t that that is wise, but their arguments give me pause. Wondering what you think.

    1. You can’t stop anyone from believing anything in the same way that you can’t force someone to believe something. Belief is always a choice. Actions can be regulated and in the case of bad or destructive actions, they should be. Belief cannot be regulated. I think it’s really that simple.

  6. Hi Chris, question: You mentioned how you felt (at that time) in the video of you, wearing the SO uniform getting out of the vehicle. But I am wondering how you feel now when you watch that video. I can tell you how I feel — I feel bad for you since I have learned about the horrendous conditions in the SO.

  7. Hi Chris!

    I’ve just watched most of your videos on YouTube–they kept me fascinated as I made dinner and did housework over the last few days. Bravo to you for speaking out, and it’s amazing to see how kind and thoughtful (and funny) you are after what you’ve been through.

    I do have a question, though I understand if it’s one you’re not comfortable answering. You mentioned that your parents got out, too. What is your relationship with them like these days? Do they support you speaking out like this or does it worry them? Have they also spoken out? Have they expressed any regret for their involvement with Scientology, and getting you involved–I know you said they weren’t thrilled with your joining Sea Org., so I wonder if they were already feeling doubtful back then.

    I feel a bit silly saying this, as you’re a few years older than me, but clearly they’re good people who raised an amazing son (I think any woman would be lucky to have you!), so I wondered if it’s a subject you’ve discussed with them and if they’ve gone through any of the reading/recovery etc. you’ve gone through.

    Again, I totally understand if you’re not comfortable answering that one, as it is kind of personal. And if you choose not to, then please just accept my best wishes for you and your family, and my hope that you’ll keep speaking out.

    (Oh, and have you seen Steven Mango’s video on life in the Celebrity Center? Also a fascinating story.)

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