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Critical Q&A #54

The show where I answer your questions. Please leave any comments or feedback in the comments section here below. I see everything and want to hear from you. This week, the questions I take up are: 

(1) Chris, your explanation of how you recovered people by first acknowledging that they had suffered a legitimate wrong got me wondering if those wrongs were ever redressed? Like, if they got bad auditing, were the auditors ever forced to apologize? If they were defrauded by desperate regges, were they ever refunded? Was anything other than an acknowledgement of what happened to them being wronged ever doled out on your authority or the authority of those you reported to, that you know of?

(2) I am very curious about this cult. I have seen many videos and read many articles. However I am still confused about how the financial portion works. If a person is earning pennies in the church how do they pay for auditing and books? And how could those employed outside the church spend hours auditing and studying while still maintaining their jobs? Could you please spend time explaining how the money works.

(3) If you had a slow-motion video on the moment or moments when you were still “in” AND were starting to wake up, what would those moments look and sound like? What exactly and specifically triggered your (doubts, questions, awakenings), while you were still in the role of someone who was buying it all? What aided you in taking the psychological, emotional and mental risks to question Scientology, while you were still in it and after so many years of accepting it?

(4) Chris, I heard that in his youth, David Miscavige was thought to be taking steroids for his asthma, but it was noticed how well developed his musculature was for such a young person. I know he is into body building as well, so my question is could he be taking anabolic steroids? The side affect of these drugs is the potential for increased aggressive irrational and violent behavior. This would certainly describe how he acts and wouldn’t this also classify him as a drug addict?

(5) I have heard that OT VIII, revealed after Hubbard’s death, indicates that Hubbard is the Anti-Christ and will return as such at the end of times, claiming that Lucifer is an entity of “enlightenment.” Is that true? In reading about Hubbard’s early life before Dianetics (in accounts from his son, L. Ron Hubbard Jr., and Lawrence Wright’s book “Going Clear”), I read that Hubbard was involved in the occult and black magic, aligned himself with Aleister Crowley, a known satanist at the time, and even considered himself to be Satan (and Crowley’s successor). His son has some chilling accounts of Hubbard’s words about this. However, the church has denied these connections. Therefore, I find it interesting that OT VIII would draw upon these connections and refer to Hubbard’s occult beliefs.

(6) Did the CO$ ever contact you to try and get you back in? If so, what did they do?

(7) Hi Chris, When you were a Scientologist did you vote in presidential elections? If so, was there any pressure to vote a certain way? Also, do you intend to vote in the upcoming election? Thanks, love the content on your channel!

(8) Hey Chris, I was wondering why Scientologists are always filming or taking pictures of people who protest or question them? I see it in so many videos. What is the purpose for this? Where do these videos and pictures go? Do they use them for fair game?

1 thought on “Critical Q&A #54”

  1. Dear Mr. Shelton: Please enlighten us on the subject of commissions in Scientology. Who gets how much for what? And: is this official (with receipt, etc. .. ) or “under the table”? Does Scientology really pay out cash commissions like Amway or Avon or Nuskin? Liike any other Multi level marketing Company, just under the guise of “religion” .. ? Thank you for your great work and inspiration!

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